10 Foods That Cure Dengue

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 3rd, 2023

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Dengue is a disease caused by the bite of the fatal Aedes mosquito. Its symptoms include high fever, headache, rashes, coupled with joint and muscle pain that starts to show up within 3 or more days of the bite. It’s vital to boost immunity and it can be done by giving foods that are loaded with essential nutrients and vitamins that ensure a speedy recovery. Here are 10 foods that can cure dengue.

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Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves play a crucial role as they help to elevate the platelet counts which fall to dangerously low levels during this disease. Typically, it is advised to consume these leaves in the juice form.

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Mixed Herbs

Regular consumption of Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Giloy (an Ayurvedic herb), and Aloe Vera control the spread of the disease. Many doctors also advise to increase the intake of Amla as it is rich in Vitamin C.

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Loaded with essential minerals and nutrients, this wonder fruit gives the body an immense rush of energy. Thus, it plays a crucial role in reducing fatigue and tiredness.

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Coconut Water

Dengue generally results in dehydration. Thus, it is immensely beneficial to consume coconut water – which is loaded with electrolytes and vital nutrients. In many cases, ginger water is also suggested, since it helps to combat nausea that many patients experience.

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Fenugreek or methi is known to induce sleep and acts as a mild tranquillizer that aids in easing pain. It is also known to stabilize the high fever that is a common dengue symptom.

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Being an antiseptic and metabolism booster, many doctors also recommend the consumption of turmeric with milk. This helps in faster recovery.

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A rich mix of antioxidants and Vitamin C, orange and its juice also helps in treating and eliminating the dengue virus.

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Probiotics heighten the production of gut bacteria that remove toxins from the body. Its immunity-boosting properties help patients to recover quickly.

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It is an iron and omega 3 fatty acid-rich food that helps to boost the immunity system. Further, it helps to increase blood platelet count to a great extent.

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Patients suffering from dengue fever must be on a diet rich in protein. Protein rich foods like fish can help you battle the disease faster. 

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