10 Do’s & Don’ts While On A High Protein Weight Gain Diet

By Shreya Goswami

August 1, 2023

While eating protein-rich foods is essential while on a high protein diet for weight gain, there are plenty of other guidelines that you need to follow as well. Here are some basic do’s and don’ts you should know.

Do: Eat As Per Your Caloric Needs

Ensure that you consume more calories than your body burns to facilitate weight gain.

Don’t: Eat Excessive Processed Foods

Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods high in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories.

Do: Prioritize Protein-Rich Foods

Emphasize protein-rich foods in your diet and aim to have a protein source in each meal and snack.

Don’t: Ignore Other Macronutrients

While protein is essential for muscle gain, don't neglect other macronutrients like carbohydrates and fat.

Do: Eat Frequent Meals 

Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day, including high-protein snacks between main meals.

Don’t: Consume Sugary Beverages

Steer clear of sugary drinks to avoid excess calorie intake without providing significant nutritional value.

Do: Incorporate Healthy Fats

Add healthy fats that are calorie-dense and contribute to overall caloric intake, like nuts and avocados.

Don’t: Overconsume Protein Supplements

Relying solely on protein supplements without a balanced diet can be detrimental so get food sources too.

Do: Combine Strength Training With Protein Intake

Engage in regular strength training exercises to ensure that the protein-rich foods you eat help build muscle mass.

Don’t: Stay Sedentary 

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle or you might end up with more fat mass rather than muscle mass.