10 Calcium Rich Fruits To Have In The Diet 

By Tanisha Salwan


Along with calcium, oranges also have a high content of vitamin C which makes it perfect for immunity boosting.


This tropical fruit is a great source of calcium, fiber as well as vitamin C. It is hydrating and refreshing.


Apricots are also considered a great source of calcium. Having dried apricots can help in getting rid of calcium deficiency.


Apart from calcium, litchi also has minerals like copper, magnesium, potassium etc. This fruit can be beneficial for bones.


Blackberry contains good amount of calcium and thus, is beneficial for the body.


Can be eaten raw as well as cooked, papaya contains a generous amount of calcium along with other minerals. 


Guava is among the most beneficial fruits. Not just it is rich in calcium but other vitamins and minerals too.


Mulberry has a good amount of calcium. One can have it raw or in salads, shakes, smoothies etc.


Yes, our summer saviour is rich in calcium too. It also contains vitamin C as well as antioxidants that are good for skin.


Banana are loaded with the goodness of calcium. It also has fiber, potassium and other beneficial nutrients.