10 Best Summer Fruits We All Wait For

By Tanisha Salwan


Watermelon is low in calories and is very refreshing. It has high water content and keeps the body hydrated.


Papaya is quite a popular fruit in India. It is known for its taste and health benefits.


Pulpy, juicy and delicious, mangoes are king for a reason. They are available throughout summer in India.


Grapes also have high water content and prevents dehydration. They have health benefits too.

Musk Melon

It is yet another loved summer fruit. It consists of 90 percent water and is perfect for summers.


Also known as amrood or jaam, this fruit has edible seeds. It is rich in vitamins and delicious too.


This refreshing fruit is refreshing and delicious. It makes up for some amazing summer cocktails.


Peaches not just taste amazing but are too hydrating. It could be eaten raw or in different forms.


This mildly sweet fruit is power packed with minerals. It is hydrating and low in calories.