Aptivate's 9 Ingredients For Your Child's Appetite & Immunity

The main credo of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam, Aturasya vikara prashamanam cha” which means “to provide protection from disease and maintain swasthya (wellness) of a healthy person, while offering remedies for ailments of the unwell.” Ayurveda has given us many quintessential medical concepts like Tridosha, Srotas, Agni, Dhaatu, Mala, Ojasa, et al. Among these, Agni is regarded as one of the fundamental concepts that controls how the human body functions physiologically and is responsible for maintaining good health as well. 

Agni controls the genesis and dissolution of the universe, as well as the metabolism and catabolism of all living organisms. It is described by Acharya Charaka that Agni is responsible for strength, and life itself exists due to proper functioning of Agni. We find that almost all diseases can be traced in Ayurvedic systems to be an outcome of Mandagni (impaired appetite and digestion). Mandagni is that state of Agni which cannot digest even the smallest quantities of food in the allotted time, and also manifests in a diminished desire to eat. There are many herbs well documented in Ayurveda as having Deepana guna (meaning stimulants of appetite) and Pachana guna (meaning promoters of digestion), like Giloy, Saunf, Kutki, Vidang, Nagarmotha, Jeera, Pippali, Amalaki, Yavani, Guduchi, and many more.

Quite appropriately, the active ingredients of Aptivate Syrup are Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Vidang (Embelia ribes), Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum), Pippali (Piper longum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and Yavani (Trachyspermum ammi). All nine of these herbs contain Deepana guna, meaning they stimulate appetite, while Saunf and Nagarmotha are also well-documented in classical Ayurveda text books as appetite enhancers as well as for fortifying digestion. Vidang and Kutki, in addition to being appetite stimulants, also possess vital anti-worm properties, thus aiding as abdominal anti-worm supplements. Jeera, known for helping with cognitive functions, also increases the desire to eat, while Yavani provides relief from abdominal pain and loss of appetite, whereas Guduchi, Pippali, and Amalaki are all rasayana (rejuvenator) herbs, along with multi-tasking as appetite enhancers. Guduchi is well-known for being a proven immunity booster, and Amalaki is a natural source of vitamin C, which enhances the defense mechanism of the body. Last but certainly not the least, Pippali is a bio-enhancer that is also helpful in combating respiratory diseases such as cold and cough. In Ayurveda, Guduchi is believed to have rasayana (rejuvenating), balya (tonic), vayah-sthapana (anti-aging), aayushyaprada (increasing lifespan), and more. In Ayurvedic medicine, Guduchi is one of the three Amrit (nectar of the Gods) plants. Such are the qualities of this climber plant, that it is called “Amritavalli” or simply “Amrit” in Sanskrit. Used in multiple drug formulations, it is useful both in the promotion and restoration of health, as well as the treatment and cure of many diseases of the human body.

Rasayana is a unique specialty of Ayurveda dealing with the aspects of rejuvenation; it also deals with the prolongation of life, as well as the attainment of perfect health. The term ‘rasayana’ literally means creating a path to achieve optimum status of Rasa dhatu. Rasa has different meanings, such as “juice”, “taste”, “essence”, “flavor”, or “emotion”, but is not limited solely to any one of these. In the therapeutic process, rasa is concerned with the conservation, transformation, and revitalization of energy. Rasa nourishes our body, boosts immunity, and helps to keep both body and mind in the best of health.

Rasayanam tu tadneyam yat jaravyadhi nashanam

The above sutra by Acharya Sharangdhara defines rasayana as a medical therapy that defeats both jara (old age) and vyadhi (diseases). Quite simply, the therapy that keeps one safe from old age and disease is called rasayana. Implying that rasayana is used to promote health, provide defence against disease, and promote longevity. Rasayana therapy enhances the qualities of rasa, enriching it with natural nutrients. With such excellent enriched rasa, says the Charaka Samhita, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from health disorders, youthfulness, lustrous complexion and a firm voice, optimum development of one’s physique and sense organs, mastery over phonetics, respectability, and brilliance!

To encapsulate, the two factors most essential for health and wellness are Appetite and Immunity. The 9 Ayurvedic herbs found in Lupin Aptivate syrup activate appetite naturally, while Guduchi (Giloy), Pippali, and Amalaki simultaneously stimulate and boost the body’s immune system. Lupin Aptivate syrup, which has ingredients for immunity, brings you the goodness of nine Ayurvedic ingredients in one syrup, for the good health and well-being of your little loved ones.