The internal body clock known as the circadian rhythm is set to repeat automatically every 24 hours and is regulated by the brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). It assists in controlling bodily temperature, eating patterns, and sleep patterns.

Every day, the body clock resets itself using cues from outside timepieces, including light and dark. Environmental elements that can significantly impact the body clock include sunlight and blue light from electronics.

The United States of America is sleeping less and later than in the past. About 30% of adults face severe sleep deprivation. Not only does this reduce the amount of time that can be spent sleeping, but it also sets off a stress reaction that weakens the heart and reduces immunity when the body is forced to stay awake and active when it should be sleeping. 

While there are recommendations for how much sleep one should get each night, each person's needs vary based on age. For some, seven hours of sleep may be plenty, while for others, it may not even come close to meeting their needs.

Regardless of how much sleep one needs. It is important to get enough sleep to function. Here are six superfoods one can try to get their sleep back. 

6 Superfoods to Help With Sleep Deprivation 

1. Lucuma

This South American subtropical fruit is loaded with nutrients. The powdered version has a sweet taste. It is similar to maple and can be used as a natural sweetener. It has a low Glycemic Index (GI) and regulates blood sugar. Having a low GI means it could help balance blood sugar before bed. This is crucial because if you eat foods with a high GI before bed like white pasta, rice and bread - you may end up with skyrocketing sugar levels in the middle of the night, which can lead to waking up.  NIH confirms it too. 

2. Baobab

Baobab is like citrus and is high in vitamin C, potassium, and the B complex vitamins. Because B vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, a deficiency can lead to sleeplessness and depression. Research suggests that potassium can help you sleep better. The potassium in it may help regulate the body's sleep/wake cycle, also known as circadian rhythm, which ensures we fall asleep and wake up when needed.

3. Chamomile 

The health advantages of basic camomile tea range from anti-inflammatory characteristics to wound healing, anti-diabetes, and even benefits to the common cold and cardiovascular health. It's most recognised for its effect on sleep, supported by strong research. A flavonoid found in it has anti-anxiety effects that help with sleep deprivation. It binds to brain receptors, increasing levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter with soothing and sedative properties. USDA confirms it too. 

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon benefits the neurological system by lowering blood sugar levels. Indeed, repeated research has shown that it can help Type 2 diabetics lower their blood sugar levels. 'This is crucial from an insomnia viewpoint because sometimes, if you find yourself waking up in the early hours. It could be due to blood sugar surges that wake you up when your blood sugar declines. A modest bowl of cinnamon porridge before bed, or simply a pinch of cinnamon in some camomile tea, could help you get up earlier.

5. Ginger

Ginger relaxes the stomach by containing a molecule called gingerol, which aids with stomach contractions. It also relaxes the system and acts as a circulatory tonic. A randomised controlled trial published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine examined the benefits of taking a ginger supplement (along with other herbs and fruits) and discovered that it shortened the time it took insomniacs to fall asleep. 

6. Liquorice

Naturopaths have traditionally utilised liquorice as an herbal treatment for sadness and anxiety. Adrenal glands are in charge of releasing stress hormones, and a busy, high-pressure lifestyle can quickly deplete them, resulting in anxiety and sadness. A 2012 study published in the journal Bioorganic Medicine and Chemistry discovered that the active ingredient in liquorice, Gabriel, a flavonoid, could help bind to GABA receptors in the brain, stimulating relaxing alpha waves and resulting in deeper and longer sleep.

There is more to superfood and how it can help one sleep better. There are also various bedtime exercises that one can try with these which can be helpful.