Before you get into benefits, know what saffron is. The spice saffron is made from the flower of the Crocus sativus plant, also referred to as the "saffron crocus". The vibrant red stigma and styles, also known as threads, are gathered and dehydrated, mostly to be used for food colouring and flavouring. 

It is thought that saffron originated in Iran, yet some questions remain about its origins. Like iodoform or hay, saffron's flavour and aroma are derived from the phytochemicals of picrocrocin and safranal. 

Additionally, it includes crocin, a carotenoid pigment that gives textiles and dishes a deep golden-yellow colour. It has been traded and utilised for thousands of years; its history is documented in a botanical book from the Assyrians written in the 7th century BC. 

Approximately 88% of the saffron produced worldwide is produced in Iran. Saffron has always been the most expensive spice in the world by weight, costing at least $5,000 per kg.

Here are seven benefits of saffron backed up by science. Keep reading to know more. 

7 Saffron Health Benefits To Know About

1. Fights Against Depression

Saffron is known as the "sunshine spice" due to its vivid colour. Another reason the nickname fits is that scientists have demonstrated that this chemical aids in the treatment of depressive symptoms. According to studies, persons who consume 30mg of saffron per day have improved moods; their experiences are similar to those who are taking disease-specific medication.

2. Helps With Weight Loss

People who desire to lose weight may be pleased to learn that a study indicates saffron aids with weight loss. Some studies have shown that people who eat saffron daily have a lower appetite and, hence, lose a few pounds. One possible explanation is that the spice enhances people's moods, causing fewer cravings throughout the day. Anyone who struggles with snacking throughout the day might consider adding the ingredients to their grocery list the next time they go shopping.

3. Memory Booster

Scientists from all over the world are working to discover therapies for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It turns out that crocin, a saffron derivative, may help them in warfare. Crocin promotes memory retention and cognitive performance. Therefore, countries around the world take advantage of its health benefits. The spice can also help to lower brain inflammation, which has been related to many chronic conditions. 

4. Relieve Symptoms Of Cold

Runny noses and scratchy throats are irritating. Although there is no cure for the common cold, saffron may assist with symptoms. Because the spice is high in antioxidants, people who add it to a glass of warm milk may have sinusitis. Some folks dip a washcloth in the milk and saffron concoction and apply it to their foreheads. It benefits people's skin and may help them eliminate a persistent fever. Try any of these cures when the weather cools and the cold season arrives.

5. Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease And High Blood Pressure

People at risk for heart disease or high blood pressure might consider adding saffron to their diets. More human-based study is needed to confirm the findings, but animal studies demonstrate that spice can reduce the risk of clogged arteries because it contains antioxidants. The ingredient's anti-inflammatory qualities also contribute to improved cardiovascular health. Everyone should take care of their heart health to continue to cook and enjoy life for a long time.

6. Improves Eyesight

Who wouldn't want to have a 20/20 vision? Including saffron on a grocery list may help people meet this aim. Millions of people have age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD develops as people age; the little section of the retina (known as the macular) deteriorates over time. Some drugs can alleviate symptoms, but crocin, a saffron extract, can also help. Crocin increases blood flow to the eye, causing it to dilate and improving vision. 

7. Helps With Sleep

Many people are suffering from insomnia as a result of the current state of affairs. Sleep aids help some people. Saffron is a natural alternative to sleep deprivation. In recent studies, participants reported enjoying a better night's sleep after digesting the components before bed. People said they woke up less frequently throughout their sleep and felt better rested the next day. This could be due to saffron's strong extracts and antioxidants. 

Saffron is not a common item on a shopping list, but it should be. The item imparts a distinct flavour and colour to any dish, and numerous saffron-inspired dishes are available for consumers to explore. If these arguments aren't convincing enough, saffron has numerous health benefits that can boost a person's general well-being.