There might be days when you just aren’t feeling the heat of the moment. You might wonder if the fatigue from stressful work makes you feel this way.  However, the true cause of your diminished libido may be hidden within your dinner plate.

Diet plays a pivotal role in directly influencing hormone levels by producing proteins, peptides, amino acids, and lipids found within hormones. Several articles and videos around aphrodisiac foods suggest what you should include in the diet to enhance libido. Yet only a few mention what you should avoid.

While adding foods that can enhance the drive is important, it is also equally important to avoid certain foods that can disrupt it. An unexpected loss of libido is becoming a major cause, and if you are unaware of what's causing it even after eating aphrodisiac foods, then this article is for you.

According to research conducted by NIH and other medical research organizations, several foods are linked to the cause of sexual dysfunctions in both men and women. Learn what five major foods you need to avoid to ignite the sexual spark again.

5 Foods To Avoid For Increasing Libido

1) Alcohol

Alcohol, many times, gets pictured with sexy appeals in several movies that make one want to have it in the heat of the moment. While drunk sex might sound adventurous, it poses several difficulties in achieving orgasm. Studies conducted by NIH revealed that there is a 74% increased likelihood of sexual dysfunction in women who consume alcohol frequently. Studies have also shown that even in men, increased alcohol consumption results in erectile difficulties and hinders orgasm attainment in both genders. In addition to this, alcohol also induces drowsiness and disinterest. Also, excessive alcohol consumption damages the liver and affects hormone metabolism.

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2) Dairy Products

In research conducted by NIH, it was revealed that estrogen levels present in milk can cause dysfunction in oestrogen and testosterone levels present in women and men, respectively. The study has also mentioned evidence indicating links in how hormones present in milk lead to the progression of breast and prostate cancer. This is because nutrition values required by Cows and humans vary tremendously. Cow milk is more suited for calves, which gain a huge amount of weight in a short time; whole as for humans, consuming milk disrupts the body's natural ability to produce hormones that also affect sex drive abruptly.

3) Trans fats and Saturated fats

The trans fats and saturated found in fast foods can highly impact health and decrease libido in both men and women. Fast foods contain hydrogenated oils that have negative effects on sex drive and reproductive health. In men, it leads to abnormal sperm production, and in women, it interferes with gestation. The oils present in fast food clog arteries, due to which blood flow to the sexual organs can be blocked. More than this, it also increases the likelihood of other health issues, which is a well-known fact.

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4) Certain Meats

Meats like red meat and processed meat can have a negative impact on sex drive. In the NIH study conducted on the sex-specific associations of red meat and processed meat consumption, it was revealed that red and processed meat are associated with certain metabolites in the body. These metabolites are linked with cardiometabolic diseases in both men and women. The study highlighted that those suffering from metabolic dysfunction should limit the consumption of red and processed meats. In today's age, processed meats can also contain added hormones or antibiotics, which imbalance the natural hormone levels in the body. Opting for lean meats is suggested.

5) Sugar 

Sugary desserts can be the most satisfying treat with your partner after a romantic dinner. But if you want to add more fun to the night, sugar should be the last thing that should come to your mind. Research conducted by NIH has shown that consumption of sugar can lead to elevated levels of blood glucose, which can cause erectile dysfunction. It was revealed that digestion of sugar requires a high level of insulin. The secretion of insulin to digest glucose can lead to a lowering of testosterone levels, which disrupts sexual drive.

Now that you have learned what foods can disrupt your sex drive, it is best if you start limiting your consumption from the get-go and include more healthy foods in your diet. If you can't simply get rid of it, look for healthier alternatives that will not make you feel devoid of pleasure.