Moving to a healthier lifestyle doesn't always mean discarding everything you've been doing. It can be implemented by making thoughtful little adjustments in several aspects of your life.

Sourdough bread is one such highly recommended meal substitute for ordinary bread. 

It is a sort of bread created by fermenting the dough with lactobacilli before baking is called sourdough bread. The bread's structural protein, fibre, and nutrient composition are all drastically changed by fermentation. Additionally, it releases lactic acid, which gives the bread a sour flavour.

The origins of sourdough bread-making can be traced back thousands of years when humans first domesticated plants. In Switzerland, sourdough bread dates to 3,700 BC, or 5,700 years ago.

Since sourdough bread has a different nutrient profile and is more bioavailable after fermentation, it is often promoted as a healthier option than regular bread. Sourdough bread is becoming increasingly well-liked among athletes and people trying to follow a healthy lifestyle. 

Discover The Top 7 Health Advantages Of Making Sourdough Bread 

1. Keeps Muscle Mass

Contrary to popular belief, there are other sources of protein than meat. The high protein content of sourdough bread is one of its best-kept secrets! According to USDA, it has up to 7 grams of protein in one slice of sourdough bread. There is a significant increase compared to an average loaf of sliced bread from the grocery store. Sourdough's high protein content makes you feel fuller for longer.

2. Controls Metabolism

Regular and gluten-free sourdough bread includes a range of B vitamins, even though many people are unaware of this. A typical slice of sourdough bread has modest calcium, magnesium, zinc, folate, and other healthy elements. Together, these naturally occurring vitamins control our metabolism and facilitate the more efficient digestion of food nutrients. Consequently, the body will experience sustained energy levels throughout the day.

3. Supports The Immunological System

Unlike other bread varieties, sourdough calls for specific bread starters. Over time, a living culture is created by a sourdough bread starter and ferments. Lactic acid bacteria are made during fermentation and persist even after the dough is baked. The advantages of lactic acid bacteria are similar to those of antioxidants; they help with digestion, guard against intestinal infections, and strengthen the immune system. It has been discovered that these beneficial lactic acid bacteria are produced even by gluten-free sourdough bread starters.

4. Enhances The Absorption Of Minerals

Standard bread has a high phytate content while having numerous vitamins and minerals in it. Essentially, phytates function as antinutrients, preventing the body from absorbing certain beneficial minerals you consume. However, because of the fermentation process, it has been shown that homemade sourdough bread has fewer of these dangerous phytates. This indicates that sourdough eaters can absorb more fibre and essential elements like vitamin E than people who consume other types of bread.

5. Combats Bloating

Bread is the worst adversary of the public when it comes to bloating. This reputation for bread stems from that bread's straightforward baking method produces carbohydrates, which results in gas and bloating. But unlike store-bought bread, baking sourdough requires considerably longer and more involved. Even though some bakers may find the more extended procedure intimidating, it is one of the finest things about making sourdough bread. This long bake produces more complex glucose molecules that facilitate better digestion and lessen the undesirable side effects of ordinary bread, like gas and bloating.

6. Controls Blood Sugar

The bread in regular grocery stores typically has a high glycemic index (GI), which measures how quickly sugar enters the system. High GI foods might result in energy crashes and rises in insulin and blood sugar levels. However, this is not the case with sourdough! Sourdough has a different carb structure. The fermentation process of the bread starters. Each slice has a significantly lower GI, which helps sourdough eaters' blood sugar and insulin levels stay more steady. 

7. Encourages Anti-ageing

Sourdough is a great anti-ageing diet that can lessen the impact of illnesses linked to ageing. Sourdough is an anti-diabetic food too. In addition, sourdough's fermentation process breaks down its carbohydrates, making it a non-FODMAP meal. Sourdough's antioxidant content rises due to phytic acid breakdown and fermentation, which also helps lessen oxidative stress in cells brought on by free radicals. 

Modest dietary adjustments can have a significant impact on your general health. Our relationship with food improves with a greater understanding of what we eat. It assists us in choosing our diet with intelligence and consideration. Compared to traditional bread, sourdough bread has significant advantages regarding digestibility, glycemic index, nutrition profile, and gluten content.