Barley is considered a summer superfood for a very solid reason. For thousands of years, people have valued and embraced barley's health benefits. From ancient Egypt to prehistoric China, the records of barley being used in culinary applications have profoundly influenced the cultural identity of many civilizations throughout history.

Barley usually comes in two types, hulled and pearl. Hulled barley is less processed and has more nutrients because it keeps the outer layers. Pearl barley is more processed and the fibre content is slightly less in comparison, but still, it's nutritious. Both of these types can be converted to several forms like quick-cooking barley, barley grits, barley flakes, and barley flour. These forms can be transformed into numerous recipes like risotto, pancakes, salads, barley water and many more! Not to mention, barley is also used in making beer, and you can get a sense of how versatile barley can be.

Add this amazing summer harvest to your diet this season and enjoy the wholesome relishes while contributing to your health.

Try These Amazing Recipes With Barley For Summer

1) Barley Salad

Barley Salad is a refreshing breakfast and lunch meal that packs the flavour of many vegetables along with the satisfaction of barley. Mix cooked barley with vibrant veggies like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Add some lemon juice and sprinkle cheese on top. Add some herbs or nuts for extra flavour and eat it right away.

2) Barley Risotto

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Barley Risotto is creamy and has everything you need in just one pot. This recipe can be made with several variations by using different ingredients. You can make it a one-pot lunch meal for the entire family or store it for dinner. You can also try adding vegetables or meat along with different seasonings and toppings.

3) Barley Soup

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Barley Soup is extremely efficient and every scoop of it is warming, thick and extremely delicious. Add a ton of vegetables to the broth along with barley and let them simmer till tender. Choose your own seasonings and go for the toppings you like. For more convenience, you can also add canned veggies or frozen veggies too.

4) Barley Porridge

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Barley Porridge makes up for an energising breakfast that keeps you going all day. Add summer fruits like mango, berries, kiwi, and oranges to make it fruity and delightful. The comforting taste of barley when simmered in milk turns into a super creamy and extremely delicious morning meal. Top it with some chopped dry fruits for more fun.

5) Barley Smoothie

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Barley Smoothie is one of the healthiest beverages that packs healthy goodness along with tons of flavours. This smoothie also combines yoghurt which has probiotics that keep the gut healthy. Barley smoothie can be made with the addition of summer fruits or also add other flavours like vanilla, chocolate and coffee for added fun.

6) Barley Water

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Fitness enthusiasts love this hydrating drink. Barley water is made by simmering barley grains in water, which infuses the water with nutrients. Then it is sweetened with honey or agave syrup. Before serving, it is chilled in the fridge and garnished with lemon slices for added flavour.

7) Barley Tea

Barley tea is a hydrating drink, popular in Asian cuisines across Japan, China and Korea. Unlike barley water, barley tea is made with roasted barley grains and gives a toasty flavour in every sip. Roasted seeds bring out a more concentrated flavour while brewing, resulting in an energising drink. This tea is savoured both hot and cold and is extremely flavorful.

This summer, add barley to your meals and enjoy its flavour along with added health benefits. Whether or not you're a fan of barley, these recipes will leave you wanting more.