Spring is the season of bloom. During this time, plants secret pollen and other chemicals in the air for regeneration and propagation to newer places. But sometimes, these seasonal changes can trigger allergies of all sorts and make it hard to enjoy the season. Many try to have recourse to masks, sanitizers, air cleaners and medicines, but they do not ensure 100% protection and you might still have a chance to catch those allergies.

At times like these, it is important to reinforce your defence mechanisms with changes in diet and follow useful tips. It is often recommended to stick to a Mediterranean diet, avoid highly spiced foods and consume green tea every morning to prevent allergies. Apart from this, there are several foods that can help build your immunity and prevent the possibility of catching allergies in any form.

If you are someone who often faces hardships during seasonal changes, especially in Springtime, consider adding these foods to your regular diet. Read about their facts backed by scientific studies and learn how helpful they can be to keep yourself protected against common allergies.

7 Foods To Help Fight Seasonal Allergies

1) Yoghurt

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Yoghurt contains active probiotics that help in boosting gut health and immunity. This helps in building a defence against common allergies and fighting diseases like sneezing and fever. In a study published by Nutrients Journal in 2020, the effects of probiotics in yoghurt were examined and it was concluded that yoghurt with specific bacterial strains can modulate immune responses. This happens by shifting allergic reactions towards tolerance by enhancing regulatory cytokine secretion and reducing Th2 activity, potentially offering a source of allergoids for cow's milk allergy immunotherapy.

2) Turmeric

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Turmeric is a source of a compound called curcumin. This compound is beneficial in helping with allergies and can stop inflammatory molecules. The immunomodulatory effects of curcumin were examined in a review published by Pubmed and it was reported that curcumin has antiallergic properties with inhibitory effects on histamine release from mast cells.

3) Tropical Fruits

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Tropical fruits such as orange, mango, papaya,  mamey sapote, and pineapples can help in building immunity against allergies during springtime. These fruits are said to be high in vitamin C and bromelain which can diminish asthma triggered by allergies. An allergen test published by Children's Journal in 2022 backs this statement and suggests that these fruits have immune-regulating properties. Yet, these fruits are commonly known for triggering allergic reactions in children, so it is advised for children to consume them moderately.

4) Fatty fish

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Fatty fishes or fishes with high oil content like tuna and salmon are known for providing protection against inflammatory conditions like allergies. These fishes contain omega-3 fatty acids and studies conducted by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2018 showed a relation between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Asthma Endpoints, backing its anti-inflammatory ability that reduces the narrowing of the trachea or windpipe that happens during asthma and seasonal allergies.

5) Honey from Local Beefarms

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Honey extracted from Local bee farms contains a high amount of bee pollen that can be effective in stimulating the body’s natural fight response against pollen. The data extracted in a 2021 study published by Nutrients Journal deems bee pollen effective in protecting against many diseases. These pollens contain bioactive compounds such as proteins, amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols that help in enhancing bodily functions.

6) Raw Red Onion

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Raw red onions are an excellent source of quercetin that is a natural antihistamine which helps in reducing symptoms of seasonal allergies. A study published by Science Reports in 2019 investigates the therapeutic effects of red onion extracts on allergic rhinitis. The findings of the study concluded that red onion helps reduce allergic symptoms, has an anti-inflammatory effect on airways, and its bioactive compounds like quercetin, luteolin, fisetin, apigenin, and benzyl-isothiocyanates contribute to anti-asthmatic effects.

7) Ginger

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Ginger is very beneficial in reducing inflammatory problems that can lead to the development of certain allergies. Many times, swelling in the throat, sinus, and air channels can be a root cause of allergies. This can be reduced by regular consumption of Ginger in the diet. In a study published by BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies in 2020, the effects of ginger extracts on the treatment of allergic rhinitis were examined in a trial. The results showed a significant reduction in Total Nasal Symptom Score (TNSS) and improved nasal symptoms and quality of life in AR patients.

Building immunity and defence against allergies isn't a one-day job, but once you adopt consistent habits, you can effectively fight common allergies and live the season to the fullest. If you commonly face allergies, do add these foods to your regular diet and eat them in as many ways as you like.