Cilantro, commonly referred to as Coriander in other parts of the world, is loaded with several vital nutrients that benefit the body in many ways. It is grown in many parts of the world and is one of the oldest herbs used in cooking since ancient times. In the US, you’ll find a generous use of cilantro in Mexican-inspired recipes such as salsa, guacamole, tacos and enchiladas.

With its refreshing, zesty, peppery, and pungent flavours, cilantro becomes a flavourful addition to several dishes ranging from sweet to savoury. It is used in many ways, like drying, pureeing, and using directly. While all the parts of cilantro are filled with nutrients, its salts have the highest concentration of minerals and vitamins and offer a deeper and more dense flavour than leaves.

From tangy dips to refreshing juices and even topping your stir fry, cilantro has many possibilities to sneak its way into your diet and make every meal delightful. Learn about these amazing health benefits of cilantro and include it in your everyday diet.

7 Benefits Of Cilantro You Must Know

1) Rich In Antioxidants

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Cilantro contains numerous antioxidants like Beta-carotene and lutein that benefit brain health, improve immunity, prevent cellular damage and reduce inflammation. These factors can lower the risks of many chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, and cancer and also slow the signs of ageing. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2014 showed that the antioxidant properties in cilantro offer potential protective effects against UVB-induced skin photoaging. 

2) Have Anti-inflammatory Properties

Cilantro has been shown to inhibit inflammation in various parts of the body, which could lead to several chronic diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and sclerosis in the brain, along with growing cancer cells in the lungs, prostate, breast, and colon. A study published in Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences in 2021  explained that cilantro extracts have remarkable antimicrobial activity and potent anti-inflammatory effects that emerge as a promising natural remedy for combating microbial infections and alleviating inflammation-related conditions.

3) Contains Immunity Boosting Elements

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The antioxidant compounds like terpinene, quercetin, and tocopherols in cilantro have immunity-boosting properties along with anti-cancer and neuroprotective effects. Cilantro leaves are also rich in vitamins A, C and E, which support and improve the immune system. A study published in the Journal of Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology in 2011 backs the immunity boosting effects of Coriandrum sativum extracts accrediting to its various components, including cyclododecanol (23.11%), tetradecanal (17.86%), 2-dodecenal (9.93%), 1-decanol (7.24%), 13-tetradecane (6.85%), 1-dodecanol (6.54%), dodecanal (5.16%), 1-undecanol (2.28%), and decanal (2.33%).

4) Lowers Blood Pressure

In a study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2021, cilantro is regarded as one of the best medicinal plants used for treating Hypertension. The study says that cilantro has been shown to display potent antioxidant effects. The diuretic effects of cilantro extracts have been shown to reduce mean blood pressure (MBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP).

5) Fights Infections

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Cilantro exhibits antimicrobial properties, aiding in combating infections and foodborne illnesses. Its compound, Dodecenal, targets bacteria like Salmonella, addressing life-threatening food poisoning. Coriander seeds also offer protection against urinary tract infections, as research indicates. Coriander oil's inclusion in antimicrobial products enhances its efficacy in fighting food-related diseases and hospital-acquired infections. These benefits can be enjoyed by directly consuming cilantro or utilising products infused with its extracts.

6) Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Cilantro aids in blood sugar control by stimulating insulin secretion from the endocrine glands, facilitating sugar breakdown in the body. Its effectiveness in lowering blood sugar is comparable to diabetes medication, making it essential for those with high blood sugar or diabetes to exercise caution. Coriander's seeds, extracts, and oils possess blood sugar-lowering properties attributed to increased enzyme activity, as indicated by reviews published by Pubmed. Including cilantro in meals or consuming cilantro-infused water regularly may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable addition to diabetic management strategies.

7) Helps With Digestion

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Cilantro aids digestion by promoting healthy gut activity. In a study published by Digestive Diseases and Sciences Journal in 2006,  involving individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a cilantro-containing herbal medication significantly reduced abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort compared to a placebo. The fibre in cilantro offers relief from digestive issues and it is also helpful in treating upset stomach,  diarrhoea, bowel spasms, gas, and nausea.

All of these benefits make cilantro a superfood. Another benefit is that you can easily add it to your meals, which will only enhance the flavours.