Brown rice is more nutritious and fibrous as compared to white rice. You might wonder what's the difference between the two. Do they come from different varieties of rice? Or is Brown rice even actually rice?

To sum the definition up, Brown Rice is just unrefined rice with bran and germ kept intact. White rice is the refined version where bran and germ are removed to ease the cooking process. As compared to white rice, brown rice is more nutritious because of the nutrient content packed within the outer layer. These whole grain rice kernels have a chewy bite and slightly nutty nodes that add to overall flavours.

In addition to being nutrient-rich, brown rice is surprisingly low in calories and is also low-fat and gluten-free. Thus, it checks all the boxes that are needed in a weight-loss diet or any fitness regime. Know these amazing benefits of brown rice and why you should switch your regular rice with it.

Know These 6 Surprising Benefits Of Brown Rice

1) Packed with Essential Nutrients

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The bran and germ in brown rice are a source of several vital nutrients that benefit the body in many ways. They are filled with antioxidants, fibre, vitamins B1 and B6, and minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. All of these nutrients can help keep the heart healthy, boost immunity, provide energy, decrease the possibility of heart diseases and stroke and also fight free radical damage to make ageing slow.

2) A Low-Carb Champion

Despite being a source of energy, brown rice is surprisingly low in carbs which makes it a perfect addition to diabetic friendly diet. Due to low concentrations of carbohydrates do not aid the production of glucose in the body which keeps the blood sugar levels from spiking. A study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2010 analysed the effects of the consumption of white rice and brown rice in relation to the risk of type 2 diabetes. The findings support the idea that the majority of carbohydrate intake should come from whole grains rather than refined grains in order to help avoid type 2 diabetes.

3) Fuel Your Fibre Needs

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The bran and germ in brown rice is filled with fibre which makes it an effective substitute for white rice for a weight loss diet. The high fibre content keeps the body feeling full for long durations and can fill the hunger with just small portions, thus helping you keep up with your fitness goals. A systematic review published by Pubmed backs this statement, reporting that brown rice can show significant results in reducing weight. According to a study, eating brown rice made people lose weight by about 1.63 kilograms. It also lowered their BMI by 0.58 and reduced their waist size by 2.56 centimetres compared to those who ate white rice.

4) Brimming With Antioxidants

The antioxidants like phenols and flavonoids found inside brown rice can help with reducing damages in cells and also shunning the signs of ageing visibly. In a study published by the Journal of Antioxidants in 2018, the phytochemical profile of brown rice and the effects of its nutrients on genes were examined. The findings reported that brown rice is rich in phenolic acids, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage, lowering the risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. It's believed that these antioxidants in brown rice could also help prevent breast and colon cancer. Pre-germinated brown rice, soaked in water to sprout, is preferred for its higher nutritional value and potential mental health and immunity benefits. It may also help prevent liver problems like fibrosis and cirrhosis.

5) Promotes Digestive Wellness

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Being high in fibre and nutrients, brown rice can effectively improve digestion and bowel movement. In a study published in Science Reports in 2021, the digestive properties of white and brown rice were compared. The study found that brown rice takes longer to digest and produces less glucose, which is better for health. It is because of the high fibre and high nutrient content.  It was reported that the time it takes for the body to digest cooked brown rice was 41% longer than for cooked white rice. Additionally, brown rice resulted in a 31% lower rate of glucose production and 11% lower total glucose production compared to white rice.

6) A Heart-Healthy Staple

The fibres, nutrients and antioxidants in brown rice make it a heart-healthy food which reduces the risk of several cardiovascular diseases. In a study published by the Journal of Antioxidants in 2018, it was reported that brown rice is rich in bioactive compounds which is helpful in providing protection against CVD risk factors. These bioactive compounds demonstrate anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-hypercholesterolemic, and antihypertensive properties, which are crucial for maintaining cardiovascular health. Regular consumption of brown rice improves inflammatory markers, weight, BMI, waist circumference, and diastolic blood pressure, crucial for heart health. It also protects against hyperlipidemia and regulates blood pressure, attributed to bioactive compounds like GABA and ferulic acids.

In addition to all of these benefits, brown rice is naturally gluten-free, keeps the brain healthy and also tastes much better than plain white rice. Add brown rice to your regular diet and say yes to health every time you consume it.