Almond milk is a dairy substitute created by soaking, grinding, and straining almonds to produce a beverage with a consistency similar to that of dairy milk. It may be substituted for cow's milk in nearly every recipe, from sprinkling on your preferred cereal to experimenting with decadent smoothies. It also tastes great in baking and with coffee. 

Nut milk may seem like a relatively new occurrence but has been a part of food preparation for generations. Around the eighth century, historians believe that milk was first created in the Middle East and then exported to Europe and eventually the rest of the world. Food trends like veganism have brought this wonderful, nutty dairy substitute back to life. 

These are a few health advantages of almond milk, based on numerous research from the USDA and National Institutes of Health (NIH). Continue reading!

11 Almond Milk Health Benefits

1. Reduces Your Cholesterol

You've undoubtedly heard that lowering your LDL (low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol) is necessary if your cholesterol is high. Our blood vessels accumulate low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Due to their capacity to lower LDL levels, almonds are included in almost all lists of the best foods for those with high LDL. Numerous studies clearly show that increasing almond consumption lowers LDL levels. In one, participants ate the same amount of calories from either almonds or a low-fat whole wheat muffin. In just one month, the almond group's cholesterol values showed a 9.4% decrease in LDL and an increase in the ratio of HDL to LDL.

2. Reduced Chance Of Cardiac Problems

This is closely related to decreasing cholesterol. Eating one ounce of almonds daily has been shown to reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by 3.5% in research that examined the risk over a ten-year period. Additionally, it was discovered that consuming two ounces could lower the danger by 7% and three ounces, the risk by 10.5%.

3. Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity

The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that one-third of Americans have diabetes or prediabetes, many of them without realising it. Diabetes is a long-term medical condition marked by elevated blood glucose levels. Higher than usual blood glucose levels that fall short of being classified as diabetes but are nonetheless dangerous is known as prediabetes. A number of health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage, are linked to elevated blood sugar levels.

4. Less Wrinkly And Discoloured Skin 

Studies on the relationship between skin health and almond consumption abound. In a recent study, women who consumed two ounces of almonds every day saw a 15% reduction in wrinkle severity and a 20% decrease in face pigmentation after four months. At the same time, skin moisture levels also increased. 

5. Skin Protection Against UVB Rays

Additionally, almonds have demonstrated a remarkable ability to shield skin from damaging sun rays. Even while UV-protective clothes and high-SPF sunscreen are your best bets, eating almonds every day can act as an extra safety net in case you forget to reapply sunscreen or have an unforeseen occasion where you must spend time in the sun.

6. Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is the body's reaction to an imagined danger. Acute inflammation is the swelling that occurs in an area of the body soon after an injury, and it is good when it is short-lived. It's a step in the healing process of the body. However, it is referred to as chronic inflammation and is linked to conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer's, and asthma when it lasts for weeks or years. It's an indication of a chronic issue such as sadness, exhaustion, or unhealthy eating habits.

7. Loss Of Weight And Decrease Of Appetite

The idea that almonds' high-fat content causes weight gain is a prevalent one. Not only have almonds been found to aid in weight loss, but they are the only nut that has been demonstrated to reduce body mass and fat mass. Eating almonds also makes you less inclined to crave high-fat items. Almonds do contain a lot of fat, it is true. These lipids, which lower cholesterol, are yet regarded as healthy fats because they are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. 

8. Decreased Risk Of Cancer 

Vitamin E alpha-tocopherol, an antioxidant that shields cells from oxidative stress, is abundant in almonds. Numerous chemicals found in almonds may also have anticarcinogenic properties. Almonds have been shown in one study to offer protection against breast cancer, the most prevalent type of the disease. It has been shown that women who consume large quantities of almonds or other nuts on a regular basis have a 2-3 times lower risk of breast cancer.

9. Reduced Blood Pressure

Research has also demonstrated eating almonds help reduce blood pressure. The consumption of almonds lowers systolic blood pressure because they are high in antioxidant Vitamin E, which raises the blood's alpha-tocopherol level. Since low blood levels of magnesium are linked to high blood pressure, it is also thought that almonds' magnesium content helps to lower blood pressure. It has been demonstrated that eating 50g (slightly less than two ounces) of almonds every day for a month can significantly lower blood pressure.

10. Helps With Healthy Guts

Soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, which supports regularity and a healthy digestive system, can be found in almonds. The collection of bacteria that dwell in our stomachs, known as the intestinal microbiome, has also been demonstrated to benefit from daily almond consumption, so the advantages for gut health don't end there. In just eight weeks, there has been a 50% reduction in dangerous bacteria in the intestinal tract and an increase in the amount and quality of helpful germs.

11. Decreases Stress

And if those aren't enough justifications for frequently munching on almonds, consider this one: stress relief. How do researchers measure that? Heart Rate Variability, or HRV, can be measured, though there are other methods as well. The interval between heartbeats, or HRV, varies from person to person and from beat to beat. In general, increasing heart rate variability is beneficial despite the fact that this may seem counterintuitive. Low variability is a warning indication of a serious illness and reflects increased levels of stress or worry.

It makes sense to include almonds in your regular diet, given all of these possible advantages and their deliciousness. There are a gazillion ways to enjoy almonds due to their extraordinary versatility; you can eat them raw, toasted, roasted, chopped, sliced, crushed, or made into flour.