Like most foodies out there, we love a good chicken parmigiana. And we love a good pizza. So why not combine the two? And before you can balk, we promise this mash-up works. Its a great lower carb alternative that satisfies two major italian food cravings at once. (and its easy to make. Take a look. ).
Philips HD6975/00 Digital Oven Toaster Grill, 25 L...
Urban Platter Panko Breadcrumbs, 400g
Butterfly Smart 2 Litres Table-Top Wet Grinder|150...
Keya Oregano Herb 200g | Premium Dried Oregano for...
PHILIPS Air fryer for Home, 4.1 Liter, with RapidA...
NAAGIN Pantry Essentials – Premium Pizza Sauce (38...