This recipe for kosher lamb stew with apricots, pear and mint is from paula shoyer's "The new passover menu" (sterling epicure, 2015). Shoyer features recipes with a global theme (read more about it, below, after the directions to this recipe), like this moroccan-inspired one which can be made two days in advance. "Moti yitzhaky was an auto mechanic before he opened motis market and grill in rockville, md. , which now provides our community with a full-service kosher butcher, baker, and grocery store, all in one. "He applies the same precision from his former career to recipe development and has created flavorful food inspired by his moroccan ancestry and beyond. "Moti gave me a recipe that was the inspiration for this one, a hearty stew brightened up for spring with fresh pear and mint, " Shoyer says. Here are more recipes from this book: kosher sephardic poached fish in pepper sauce recipekosher gluten-free pistachio and strawberry roll recipe.