Bollywood actor Yami Gautam shared few glimpses of her vacation in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday. She took Instagram to share the videos and photos of her enjoying in the nature’s lap of her hometown. Along with her sun-kissed photo she also shared the view of her surroundings with a cup of tea. Yami seems to be rejuvenated by the surroundings of her organic farm and gave her fans perfect Himachali vibes. 

She said, “Good morning, I am in my most favourite place, Kohar in Himachal Pradesh and I am going to take you through my farm, hum log kya ugaate hai, kya karte hai (what do we grow, what do we do here), pretty soon. I am really excited to share with you guys, Happy health and happy holidays to everyone.” ‘Badlapur’ fame actress also posted a photo of herself holding a glass of water and wrote, “Mere khet ki haldi ka paani (This is turmeric water from my farm). Start my day with this organic haldi.” 

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Drinking haldi ka paani or turmeric water in empty stomach is the easiest way of detoxifying your body. Turmeric is a common kitchen ingredient, that has been a part of the traditional medicinal practices since ages. Known as ‘the golden spice’ it has got numerous health benefits.  

Here are three reasons why you should start your day with turmeric water: 

1. Improves Digestion 

Turmeric is a well-known remedy for upset stomach. It helps in boosting digestion by increasing the production of bile and other digestive enzymes present in the gallbladder. It also cures bloating and boosts metabolism. Therefore, starting your day with a glass of turmeric water makes your stomach ready for the rest of the day. 

2. Good For Heart Health 

Drinking haldi water everyday helps in regularizing the cholesterol levels and preventing fat accumulation in the body. This helps in maintaining the body weight, hence blocking various heart diseases. It is also effective for people who are trying to lose weight. 

3. Boosts Immunity 

Turmeric is packed with various antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-bacterial properties which helps in boosting immunity and reducing the risk of colds, flu and other infections. It is also known for reducing inflammation. 

To prepare turmeric water just boil a glass of water and add a teaspoon of turmeric along with half teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink this every morning and stay healthy.