Yakult, a probiotic drink with a cult following, has come a long way since its humble beginnings in Japan. The story of Yakult begins with its founder, Dr. Minoru Shirota, a pioneering microbiologist who, in the 1930s, set out to develop a probiotic drink that could improve people's health.

Shirota's research led him to the discovery of a specific strain of Lactobacillus casei, which he named Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS). He believed that this strain, when consumed through an appropriate medium, could improve the balance of good bacteria in the gut and help boost the immune system. With this in mind, Dr. Shirota began producing Yakult in a small laboratory in Japan in 1935.

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The launch of Yakult was met with skepticism, as many people were unaware of the concept of probiotics at the time. However, Dr. Shirota's persistence paid off, and Yakult quickly became popular in Japan. Its success was partly due to its unique packaging, which consisted of small, individual bottles that were easy to take on the go.

As Yakult's popularity grew in Japan, the company began to expand its reach, first to other parts of Asia and then to Europe and America. Today, Yakult is available in more than 30 countries worldwide and is particularly popular in South Asian countries like India.

The company would go on to develop several other iterations of the product to address specific use cases, the most popular and widespread of which is Yakult Light. Yakult Light is a variation of the original Yakult probiotic drink. It is formulated to appeal to people who are looking for a lighter version of the drink. It contains less sugar than the original Yakult, making it a good option for people looking to lower their sugar intake. It has a similar nutritional profile to Yakult but with half the calories per serving, making it an accessible probiotic option for those who are watching their weight. Yakult Light is also based on the proprietary probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota, with the inclusion of ingredients such as dextrose and Reb A (a steviol glycoside that is over 200 times sweeter than sucrose) in addition to sugar in order to replicate the flavor profile of the original Yakult while containing just half the amount of processed carbohydrates.

Yakult has a unique salesforce that is composed entirely of women, known as "Yakult Ladies," who go door-to-door to promote the product and educate people about the benefits of probiotics. These women wear uniforms and carry a special cooler filled with Yakult, allowing them to make sales and provide samples directly to customers. This strategy has proven to be extremely effective in Japan, where the Yakult Ladies have become a familiar sight, helping to establish Yakult as a household name.

The company's marketing strategy focuses on the convenience and health benefits of Yakult, highlighting the small size and portability of the drink, making it easy to incorporate into a daily routine. The Yakult Ladies have been successful in reaching out to busy working women and housewives, who are typically in charge of household grocery shopping and meal planning.

Also, by using women as a primary marketing tool, Yakult has been able to target a demographic that is likely to prioritize health and wellness for themselves and their families.

Yakult now has a team of over 80,000 Yakult ladies spread across almost every country where the brand has an official presence, including India. The company offers free doorstep delivery of Yakult products in Delhi/NCR, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Mumbai, and Pune, fulfilled by the Yakult Ladies.

The story of Yakult's popularity in India is one of perseverance and hard work. Yakult arrived in India in 2007 and was immediately faced with a huge challenge in terms of convincing people to try a new probiotic drink. It took a lot of effort and resources to create awareness and educate people about the benefits of probiotics, but Yakult's persistence paid off. Today, Yakult is a household name in India and is enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

There are several reasons why Yakult has become so popular in India. One reason is the growing awareness of probiotics and the role they play in maintaining good health. Yakult's unique packaging and convenient size also make it an easy and portable drink that can be consumed on the go, making it popular with busy people looking for a healthy alternative to sugary drinks. Additionally, Yakult has been able to appeal to a wide range of people, from health-conscious individuals to athletes looking to improve their performance.

From its origins in Japan to its current popularity the world over, Yakult's success can be attributed to its founder's dedication to improving people's health and the company's commitment to education and social responsibility. With its unique packaging, convenient size, and health benefits, Yakult has become a trusted source of probiotics for those looking to improve their gut health and overall well-being. With its continued dedication to promoting healthy living, Yakult is set to remain a probiotic powerhouse for many years to come.