In an interaction with the press, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath shared with the audience that a proposal brief regarding the development of a seven-star, vegetarian-only hotel was received among 25 proposals to build properties in Ayodhya. In addition to this, he also divulged that a series of religious functions would be organised each year following the ‘pran prathishta’ ceremony slated to take place on January 22. Featuring 56 fully air-conditioned rooms with grand décor, the luxury hotel is also set to house a pure vegetarian restaurant known as ‘Naivedyam’ that will have a vast array of cuisines to choose from.

While speaking about the luxury property’s proposal, he also highlighted that infrastructural development in the religious hub would help it identify as a place with world class facilities. As of now, Ayodhya has the capacity to accommodate 50,000 devotees at once, as is the upcoming Shri Ram International Airport, 15 kilometres away from the place of pilgrimage. In addition to this, major restaurant chains have been reported to be making a beeline to set up outlets across and along Ayodhya, to cater to the wave of tourists who are expected.

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Among other developments, work to create a green corridor from Varanasi is underway, along with similar projects being processed for Gorakhpur, Lucknow and Prayagraj. There has also been news of Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan investing in an enclave 15 minutes away from the main temple attraction, which will be utilised for mixed purposes. In addition to this premium property, plans are being considered to build multiple five-star properties along the banks of the Sarayu river.