The love for samosa could not be expressed in words and we all know this. This food is something that we Indians just cannot do without. We all are aware of the feeling of digging into these flaky and crispy delights with different stuffings mainly potatoes. Be it monsoon cravings or guests coming over, samosa is the food that fits in perfectly.
This might break your heart but, our beloved samosa is not Indian. It originated in the Middle East region during the 10th century. First known mention of samosa was found in Tarikh-e Bayhaqi where this dish has been named ‘sambosa’. These fried triangles were actually eaten by travellers and merchants. Because of their small size, they could be easily transported for long journeys. How much can this little samosa do!! To acknowledge this lip-smacking and delicious snack, World Samosa Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. Let us take a minute and appreciate this beauty.
On World Samosa Day, celebrity chef Kunal Kapur shared a crazy samosa fusion that many of us would not have even thought about. I am talking about a samosa sandwich. For Delhiites, it might not be new as this concoction is sold by some street vendors but for others, this is a brand new information! Chef Kunal Kapur took to Instagram and shared how he celebrated World Samosa Day.
Image credits: Instagram/chefkunal
If your samosa cravings have been triggered, don’t worry. We have the steps in which you can make this craziest and easiest samosa sandwich at home and celebrate the day. Without any further delay, see how you can make it.
- Take two samosas and crush them.
- Take a sandwich maker and butter its plates.
- Now add bread slices and over it, put one cheese slice each.
- Now add crushed samosa to each bread slice.
- Add green and red sauce.
- Add one more cheese slice to each piece of bread.
- Cover it again with bread slices.
- Let the sandwich maker do its job.
- Your samosa sandwich is ready!!!
Let us know if you liked this amazing samosa fusion. Also, do tell us how you celebrate World Samosa Day!