Wood apple milkshake recipe: Do you love wood apple? Then here is a tasty, tangy, and refreshing way to start your day should be with a delicious sip of fresh Wood Apple shake. Wood Apple (also known as bael) is a native Indian fruit and is also called by many other dialectal names. Of course, with rising heat and thirsty mouths, we all need cold-chilled shakes. But, with healthier options available, why go for unhealthy cold drinks? Here is the recipe for a refreshing Wood Apple shake for you!
Wood Apple health benefits- Wood Apple has ample benefits, such as it is considered excellent for skin due to antioxidant compounds, helps with the body's natural detoxifying process. In addition, it is widely famous for being rich in vitamins, aids in digestion and acidity. Most interestingly, it gives a cooling effect to the body during summers serving as a remedy of scorching heat.

Here’s how you can make this chilled wood apple beverage-


  1. Take fresh wood apples directly from the trees or a marketplace.

  • Crush the apples and take the pulp out of them. The next step is to soak it in the water.

  • Strain and remove the seeds out of it

  • If you want to make a juice instead of a shake,  add more water and sugar as per taste. You can add a slight variation to it, too, by serving it with mint leaves.

  • In the case of a shake, the pulp is mixed with milk and sugar per taste in the mixer grinder

  • It tastes best when served chilled

  • Bael juice with milk benefits: Bael shake is a quite addictive, natural drink, so if you’re tempted, don't worry because it’s entirely healthy. However, it is undoubtedly a drink that everyone must try at least once in their lifetime.              

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