After creating quiet, a buzz in Bollywood with her path breaking roles, Taapsee Pannu has surely made a mark for herself in the industry. And like any other Delhiite she too loves to binge her guilty pleasures that’s Chole Bhature, yes you heard it right. She loves her Chole Bhature. 

This deep-fried bread that is served with chole with some acchar, onion and mint chutney is sure to put a full stop to your cravings. Taking to Instagram Taapsee’s nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal  shared the recipe and wrote in post “You can take a person out of Dillee but you cannot take Dillie out of the person😊. Want to know what is @taapsee 's most favorite meal to indulge into. It's CHOLE BHATURE! Slow ferment the dough as shown and enjoy this gluten free, Indian sourdough bread this festive season like she does😍 Unfortunately, it has long been dismissed as junk and it's time, we change the narrative around health. Better late than never! Isn't it?

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P.S. the slow and long fermentation of the dough renders the wheat gluten free in this recipe🧡💛”

She also mentioned in her comment that that slow fermentation of the dough renders the wheat gluten-free.

To which many commented “

Bhatura deep fried in pure cow ghee is pure love ❤️”

“lMam, How is it gluten free when we r adding wheat flour n maida”

“Whether it is a hung curd? My curd was little liquid when i used the recipe from the book”

“But since no starter is added …will it still be considered as sour dough” and more. 

But do you know that this finger-licking street food that is loved by one and all in Delhi is said to have originated in the northern part of Indian sub-continent, and the first if a kind chole bhature dates back to almost the 1940s. Though not much can be tracked about this dish the craze about this dish can be seen a by the very fact that Delhiite have dedicated one full day to Chole Bhature and that’s on 2nd October of every year. 

Here's Munmun Ganeriwal  gluten free Chole Bhature recipe


    Fresh dahi – ¾ cup

    Whole wheat flour (gehu atta) – 2.5 cups

    Sugar - ½ tablespoon

    Salt – 1 tablespoon



    First of all, mix a few ingredients in a bowl for the dough. Take the mentioned amount of fresh dahi (ensure it isn't sour) along with maida. Add gehu atta (whole wheat flour) and half a tablespoon of sugar. Mix all the ingredients well and you may or may not require water to knead it into a dough.

    Cover the bowl with a cloth or lid and set it aside in a warm place overnight or for 7-8 hours to allow it to naturally ferment.

    Next morning, add about a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of ghee to the fermented dough. You can mix some warm water if required (not hot water). Gather the dough into a single compact ball.

    Now, you have to use a damp cloth to cover it. Again, set it aside in a warm place for about a couple of hours.

    Knead the dough again. Finally, it's time to shape into 15-20 balls or as per your requirements.

    Roll the balls into bhature and deep fry in ghee and your fluffy delight is ready.

    Now, you can serve it hot with chole, pickled ginger and onions or any other homemade pickle.