Many partygoers who choose juices over soda and booze in the belief that they are making a healthy choice are in for an unpleasant awakening. Juices in a bottle may seem nutritious, but are they really? Juices sold in packages have little fibre and a lot of sugar, which increases insulin resistance. We mistakenly believe that purchasing those juice tetra packs is good for health, but alas, this is untrue. When compared to freshly squeezed juice or fresh whole fruits, the boxed juice is not as healthy.
Here are some elements that make bottled juice a less nutritious choice:
- We believe that the one-year shelf life of packaged juices is a positive thing. However, this processed use of heat causes it to lose all of its vitamins.
- Juices that are packed and contain patulin have likely been made with low-quality fruits.
- Juices that have the air removed are labelled with no preservatives tag. This procedure is known as deoxygenation. Fruits and vegetables lose quality when their oxygen is removed.
- The preserved liquids typically taste well and have a sweet flavour. Artificial flavours and sugar, both of which are bad for our health, are used to accomplish this.
- These packed juices are bad for diabetic patients and anyone on a weight-loss plan because of the extra sugars.
- In comparison to freshly created juices made at home, juices that are packaged are higher in calories.
- Avoid consuming juices that have corn syrup as an additive.
- We sometimes choose juices with pulp when looking for healthy juices. Our body gets the fibre it needs from the pulp. However, if you look at the label of such juices, the amount of fibre is little or nonexistent. Where is that pulp then?
- In fact, not just packaged juices but even fresh juices are unhealthy. For instance, while making juice at home, you must squeeze three to four fresh fruits, which adds calories, additional sugar, and no fibre at all. However, fresh/packed juice is not as high in flavonoids and vitamin C as fresh/packed fruits.
- Compared to 1 raw apple, which has only 78 calories, 1 glass of apple juice has 120 calories. The concentrated juices contain simple carbohydrates that can instantly raise blood sugar levels.
- Purportedly, the industry uses the most spoiled fruits to produce bottled juices.
-Juice containers that advertise 100% fruit juices actually only contain 25% fruit. Adding to the juice's small number of vitamins and antioxidants is its high sugar content.
- Packaged juices can occasionally be neither particularly healthy nor very hazardous. Fresh fruits should always be preferred over freshly produced juice when choosing between the two. Even juices of the highest nutritional value in the market are changed significantly from their initial organic composition.