Actress Priyanka Chopra tied the knot with singer-songwriter and actor Nick Jonas in 2018. The couple also welcomed their first baby via surrogacy earlier this year, which made the Holi celebrations for the couple even more special. In several of her interviews before, Priyanka has commented on Nick’s new-found love for Indian music, especially the groovy Bollywood numbers that he often listens to before his performances as well. Be it Pujas or any Indian festival, Nick is more than happy to be by his wife’s side. And this time around Holi, the couple really took it up a notch by hosting a bash to remember in their backyard.

For the uninitiated, Holi is an Indian spring festival that is celebrated with lots of colours(gulaal), water and a lot of singing and dancing. Since the festival is so high on energy, you need to keep munching into some snacks to fuel yourselves. These snacks vary from region to region, more common suspects are gujiyas, namak pare, mathri, but options are endless. In the Jonas Holi Bash, we spotted three-four giant bowls of popcorn, that were sprinkled over with some colour (edible, we suppose). And let’s admit it, popcorn seems to be one of the most ‘practical’ choices for a Holi party. It is easy to grab, easy to eat, and even if you run out of them, you can always rush to your kitchen to make some more. It hardly takes a couple of minutes.  

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Speaking of ‘unconventional’ Holi treats, actress Rhea Chakraborty also rang in Holi with a good number of festive calories. The actress took to Instagram to post of a picture of a decadent looking cheesecake, which was sprinkled over with jellies and crumble, adding a pop of colour to the cake. The cake also had a layer of Raspberry Jam in the centre. “Happy Holi thanks to @the_slow_kitchen”, read the caption on the image. 

Image credit: Instagram @rhea_chakraborty

That said, there were plenty of actors who did go all ‘traditional’. Actor Siddhant Chaturvedi who was last seen in ‘Gehraiyan’, posted an adorable reel of his mother preparing Holi Gujiyas at home, from scratch. Right from making the stuffing to frying the dough pockets, the reel beautifully captured the making of the festive treat. “Maa ke haath ki Gujiya waali Happy Holi sabko!”, Siddhant wrote in the caption.  

How did you celebrate your Holi, do let us know?