Actor Shahid Kapoor rang in his 41st birthday in quite a style at his Juhu residence. Even though the bash was super intimate, there were a couple of star attendees, like his brother and actor Ishaan Khatter, Ananya Panday, Kunal Kemmu, his ‘Jersey’ co-star Mrunal Thakur and designer Kunal Rawal. The actor’s wife, Mira Kapoor who was also one of the hosts of the party, finally shared the much-awaited picture of Shahid’s birthday cake on Monday. Mira posted the image on her Instagram stories, and we are stunned by how spectacular it looked.  

Instagram story by @mira.kapoor

It wasn’t your typical round-shaped cake. There were actually two cakes made in the shape of ‘S’ and ‘K’, Shahid’s initials. Both the cakes were placed together. Made with three layers of cream and a sponge, the cakes were topped with fresh blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and strawberries. There were also a couple of gold-dusted macaroons embossed on the cakes. “I want more of this cake, Mira wrote in her caption”. From her caption we also learned that the cake was prepared by Annie B, a Mumbai-based baker who owns the bakery ‘Baked With Love By Annie’.  

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We love how Birthday cakes are evolving with time. Sure, a nicely-made, moist chocolate cake is always a treat to the soul, but there are so many options you can explore, if you truly want to make the say special for your loved one.  

Here are some birthday cakes that will definitely make an impression at every party.  

Vegan Apple Cake: For your vegan friends, we have this fruity and exquisite vegan apple cake, made without dairy or eggs. Ground cloves, walnuts, apples and cinnamon make it perfect for the fall season.  

Blueberry Coffee Cake: Coffee and desserts are a match made in heaven and this cake is proof. Made with a blend of tarty blueberries and strong coffee, this cake is a medley of bold and comforting flavours you do not want to miss.

Almond Joy Cheesecake: Made with the goodness of almonds, chocolate and cheesecake, everything about this cheesecake is a blockbuster. Just bake it today and you would know what we mean.  

 Try making these cakes for your loved ones, and watch them grin ear to year. Let us also know which one of these cakes did you like the best.