Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif, who got married to actor Vicky Kaushal in Jodhpur last year, has finally started spilling some beans about her happy married life. Vicky and Katrina dated for nearly two years before tying the knot in a hush-hush affair. Katrina, who has her film Phone Bhoot releasing soon, is busy promoting it with her co-stars Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi, on various talk shows and reality shows. A couple of days back the trio shot for an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, where Katrina got candid about the relationship with her mother-in-law and her foodie Punjabi family.

Now, if you follow Vicky on Instagram, you are probably aware of his love for desi delicacies like parathas and jalebis. Even his younger brother Sunny Kaushal is a fan of parathas with white butter, and the latest entrant to the fan club is Katrina. That’s right, Katrina, who is counted among the fittest Bollywood actors, also confessed to being a fan of parathas made by her mother-in-law. 

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In the show, she revealed that during the initial days of her marriage, her mother-in-law would urge her to have king-sized aloo parathas, but Katrina would have to stop at one bite or two, owing to her diet. But now that Katrina has completed almost a year as a daughter-in-law, her mother-in-law has understood her dietary requirements, and she lovingly prepares parathas with sweet potatoes for her.  

Sweet potatoes are a low-carb, healthy alternative to potatoes. They comprise what you call complex carbs, or good carbs, which take a while to digest keeping you satiated, without leading to calorie overload. You can make parathas with sweet potatoes too. Don’t believe us? Try this recipe soon and let us know how you liked it. Pair it with butter, mint chutney, and onions and you are in for a treat.