The 79-year old actor of the Hindi film industry, Amitabh Bachchan is no less than an icon. His commendable performances in old cinema as well as new-age movies has made him an evergreen personality of Bollywood. Extremely popular for his television stint on Kaun Banega Crorepati, the actor has featured in several blockbuster Bollywood films in the past. The actor recently tweeted about a home-cooked meal sent to him by his co-actor Prabhas on the sets of their ongoing project. 

Amitabh Bachchan exclaimed in the tweet about how touched he was with this gesture and thanked Prabhas for his utmost generosity. While we get to know from the tweet that he sent the Indian actor loads of food and was delicious, there was a slight mention of some special cookies which we couldn’t stop wondering about. Don’t know what we are talking about. Here, take a look. 

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                 Source: Amitabh Bachchan/Twitter

The tweet was re-tweeted over 4k times and received over 29.3k likes. This tweet got us thinking, can’t we make some cookies at home too? Well, we definitely can. Here are some delicious recipes to keep you hooked on to that jar all day. 

1.  Pecan Cookies 

The light-coloured soft and bright cookies can liven up your day. Made with pecan and cornflakes, the cookies are a treat for the taste buds. One bite in and they will melt in your mouth.

2.    Chewy Brownie Cookies 

If making brownies seems like a task, why not try brownie-flavoured cookies? These chewy and chunky cookies come packed with flavours of chocolate brownie and loads of sugar. They are gluten-free and very easy to make. 

3.  Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies 

The citrusy flavours of lemon balanced by the crunch of poppy seeds makes these cookies taste really good. A sweet curd is dunked in the centre depression of the cookie, giving them a colourful appearance. 

4.  Apple Pie Cookies 

Yet again, an easy and quick solution to your cravings. Don’t go to the extent of making a pie. Just head to your kitchen and use the apple pie mixture in a cookie dough. This gives your delicious fruity cookies. 

5.  Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies 

Made with the goodness of oatmeal, these cookies are crumbly and tasty. They are baked to perfection and can feature in your morning tea. They are gluten-free and very filling, giving a kick start to your day.