For the unversed, a wok is referred to as a round, deep-bottomed pan that is used for cooking a variety of dishes. Different from a saucepan or a frying pan, it is the shape of the wok that makes it distinct. Unlike a frying pan which is flat, the wok has a denser bottom that allows heat to reach the food quickly and therefore, the cooking time is shorter.  

In a saucepan, the food is generally cooked over medium-heat and this increases the cooking time. In case of a wok, high heat is used and the food items inside the wok are constantly tossed while being cooked over a gas stove. This allows the food to be ready in a shorter span of time. However, cooking in a wok is an art because the high heat may burn the food if not stirred continuously.  

So, what can you cook in a wok, after all? From noodles and veggies to burgers and popcorn, you can make several stir-fried and non-stir-fried foods in this utensil. Here are a few recipes that you can try at home.  

1.   Wok-Fried Spaghetti Arrabbiata  

Are you a fan of pasta? Well, did you know that you could make your favourite spaghetti in a wok too? Boil the long strands of pasta and keep aside. Toss all your chopped vegetables in the wok and dunk in the arrabbiata sauce. Mix all of it together and throw in your protein. It could be diced chicken or shrimp. Combine it all together while stirring continuously and serve hot.  

2.   Wok-Seared Mushroom Omelette

Planning to cook eggs this afternoon? Try this delicious mushroom omelette made in a wok. While it may not sound as one of the most conventional ways of making eggs, you have to trust us on this recipe. The mushrooms are stuffed inside whipped eggs. Spread on a wok, the omelette is cooked from one side and then flipped to the other. It gets a smoky flavour, all thanks to the wok. 

3.    Wok-Fried Chilli Prawns  

Prawns are one of the easiest things to cook. They acquire a delicious flavour of whichever condiment is added to them and their texture varies, depending on the method of cooking. In this recipe, the prawns are cleaned, deveined and then added to a wok full of chilli sauce. The prawns are coated in it and white stock and cornflour is added to thick the dish. Once the sauce dries up, it is garnished with spring onions and sesame seeds.

4.   Wok Popcorn  

Oh yes, you read that right. You can easily make popcorn in a wok. All you need are some corn kernels, canola oil, butter and salt. Lightly toss the popcorn kernels in a wok with oil. Add some butter. You can also add peanut butter if you like. Then, sprinkle some salt and toss it again. Once the popcorn kernels puff up and attain black marks, they are ready to be eaten.

5.   Wok Chicken Burger 

Make a delicious tandoori chicken burger at home with a wok. All you need to do is prepare the chicken patty and cook in a wok. Sear the vegetables like cabbage, onions, tomatoes etc on the side of the wok too. The patty attains a smoky texture and taste which can then be sandwiched between the buns with loads of mayo and tomato sauce. Finally, toss the burgers in the wok and serve crisp and hot.