Mira Kapoor, who married actor Shahid Kapoor, is now a social media sensation in her own right. With more than 3 million followers on Instagram, Mira Kapoor scaling new heights of popularity everyday. The 28-year-old has been rather vocal about her love for food. She is a vegetarian and can cook up a  storm herself. Recently, she posted a throwback picture from her ‘Chulha Jalana’ ceremony, where she prepared a delish Halwa. When she is travelling, she also tried a bevy of local dishes. In her latest Instagram photo dump of Jaipur, Mira shared images of her lovely grub in the pink city.

Jaipur is renowned for its rich and varied cuisine. Despite limited vegetation, Jaipur’s wide array of delicacies have attracted foodies from far and beyond, making Rajasthani Thali, one of the most cherished Thalis of India. For the uninitiated, Thali is a platter containing an assortment of dishes of various textures and flavours. In Mira’s Rajasthani thali, we spotted dal, one ghee-soaked baati, churma, naan, ker sangri, raita, papad ki sabzi, gatte ki sabzi, pickles and salad. All of these were served in a brass thali. Cant. Stop. Drooling. Right?  

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In the very next picture, Mira can be seen enjoying some yummy Pyaaz Kachoris with Kulhad Lassi. Pyaaz Kachori, or Kachoris are a popular breakfast item in Rajasthan. Unlike in Uttar Pradesh, where Kachoris appear a lot like Puri, Kachoris in Rajasthan are deep-fried, crispy and stuffed with spicy fillings. If it is a Dal ki Kachori, the stuffing would be that of spicy lentils, in Pyaaz ki Kachori, a hot stuffing of sliced onions and potatoes make the snack worthwhile. If you remember, a few weeks back, Mira also gave a shoutout to Rawat ki Kachori, one of the most iconic Sweet shops of Jaipur, for its Pyaaz Kachori.  

Now, now we are not going to leave you drooling like this. Here’s a recipe of Ker Sangri and Pyaaz Kachori that you can try soon to satiate your Rajasthani food cravings.