Actress Nushratt Bharuccha who was last seen opposite Sunny Kaushal in ‘Hurdang’ will now be seen opposite Akshay Kumar in ‘Selfie’. This is the first time, the actress will share the screen space with Akshay Kumar, the film also stars Emraan Hashmi in the lead. The cast seem to be getting along very well. On Tuesday, Nushratt also posted a hilarious reel with Akshay Kumar with her take on ‘Instagram V/s Reality Trend’. In the reel, we see the ‘Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety’ actor, enjoying her meal of rice or grains with veggies, tomatoes, cucumber and kind of  patty with hands, until actor Akshay Kumar enters with his phone camera. Upon seeing the camera on her she quickly keeps her plate on the table and grabs her cutlery. “Tu haath se khaana chammach se kyu khaa rahi hai (continue eating with hands, why are you eating with a spoon now)”, remarks Akshay, to which Nushratt says, “Selfie ke liye (for the selfie of course)”.“Instagram vs Reality. Be who you wish to be!”, she wrote in her caption.  

Indians are no stranger to eating with hands, till date many desis refrain from using cutlery, and mix and mash all the contents on their plates using their hands and then eat the same. Of course, it is also considered improper to not wash your hands before you come near your plate, and then wash them back after you have eaten. In Ayurveda, it is highly recommended practice. Eating food with hands has been linked to numerous health benefits too as per Ayurveda.  

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It is said that eating with hands helps improve blood circulation. When you are eating using your hands, you are also mindful of portion control apparently, you are also eating the right proportion of food. Using your hands to eat, lowers your speed of eating too, which is good for digestion, you must never rush while eating as it may disrupt your agni or digestive fire. Another purported benefit of eating with hands, is the connection you forge with food, which helps in ‘mindful eating’, people who practice mindfulness may find the practice of eating with hands very beneficial.  

While it is completely you’re a matter of choice, if using cutlery suits you better, you must use it by all means, but if you want to try using your hands to eat, we suggest you start with these dishes that most of India likes to eat with bare hands.  


Khichdi is a one-pot dish made with a  combination of rice, lentils, spices and veggies. Add a dollop of ghee on top of hot khichdi and chomp away.  

Chapati And Sabzi

The sheer joy of tearing into a hot chapati and dipping it in your favourite sabzi and gulping it down is something indescribable. It spells ultimate comfort.

Pav Bhaji

Not just roti, we love tearing our pavs too to dunk to wrap our fiery bhaaji, a Maharashtrian mix vegetable curry.  

Maach Bhaat

Since Bengalis consume many different varieties of fish, most of these fishes come with bones. Since you may miss out on some while using spoon, it is advisable you pick out the bones using your hands, and then mix up the fish with rice, jhol, bhaja, salad and the gulp it all in. Pure bliss.