Actress Kareena Kapoor who was last seen in ‘Angrezi Medium’, will soon be teaming up with her 3 Idiots co-star Aamir Khan in ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, the official Hindi adaptation of ‘Forrest Gump’. On the personal front, the 41-year-old actress is having a gala time with her babies, she even took a mini-vacation with baby Jeh, Taimur, sister Karisma, her children and Natasha Poonawalla, where they all sat by the ocean and chomped on delish burgers, fries, pizzas, and spaghetti. Kareena Kapoor has never shied away from admitting that she is one hard-core foodie, and yet again, we found her indulging big. On Monday, the actress posted a video of her enjoying Biryani in her Vanity van. The actress was accompanied by her team, all of them were seen taking a generous helping of the chicken biryani from one giant casserole that was kept at the center of the table.  

It was Kareena who opens the lid, and after taking a whiff of the biryani, she smiles and excitedly starts filling her plate, “now....everybody is waiting”, she remarks, being fully aware of her team members and their urge to dig in. Kareena then gives her thumbs up to the biryani, post which the camera then pans on to everyone else who are busy relishing every bite of the biryani and then back to Kareena who says, “Ye dabba khaali jaane waala hai..(this box will go back empty”. While we do not see any dessert in the mini ‘vanity-van’ feast, but Kareena is prompt to suggest, “tomorrow, I should get Moong Dal Halwa..”

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“Monday b̷l̷u̷e̷s̷ biryani… Already planning tomorrow’s dessert”, Kareena wrote in her caption.  

“I have missed this Biryani”, her sister and actress Karisma Kapoor wrote in the comments.

“Bebo when am back I want. I DEMAND !!!!!” actress Malaika Arora also chimed in.  

Even nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar couldn’t help but resist and wrote “Don’t eat akela (alone).”

Not many would know that Biryani, maybe one of the most beloved dishes of India, but it actually has Persian roots. It came to India during the medieval era and was popularised by the Mughals. Soon it traveled all across the sub-continent and got a local spin.  

Craving some hot and delicious chicken biryani? We found the easiest recipe for you. Pair it with Raita or Salan, the choice is yours. Try this recipe soon and let us know how you liked it.