The citrusy and tart sweetness of oranges generally comes to mind when we think of vitamin C. While oranges are unquestionably a fantastic source of this crucial nutrient, they are by no means the sole choice. Our immune system is strengthened, good skin is encouraged, and wound healing is aided by vitamin C.  

So keep in mind that there are many possibilities than oranges the next time you consider receiving your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

These unexpected Vitamin C food sources can help strengthen your immune system, encourage good skin, and support general wellbeing. Watch this space for additional advice on including these items in your meals.

Here are seven unexpected vitamin C sources that are simple to include in your diet for a balanced diet.  

1. Bell Peppers: Bell peppers are a great alternative to citrus fruits because they are so high in vitamin C. The reality is, red bell peppers have a higher vitamin C content than oranges. Bell peppers are a wonderful and adaptable method to increase your vitamin C intake, whether you eat them raw in salads, sautéed in stir-fries, or roasted as a vibrant side dish.  

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2. Strawberries: In addition to being delicious to eat, these juicy, ruby-red berries are an excellent source of vitamin C. Strawberries contain more than 100% of the daily required amount of vitamin C in just one cup. Strawberries are a tasty and wholesome delicacy that are great alone, in smoothies, or mixed with yoghurt. 

3. Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable is not only a strong source of fibre, but it also contains a lot of vitamin C. Broccoli is a great method to sneak in additional vitamin C while enjoying its many health benefits. It can be steamed, roasted, or added to soups and salads.  

4. Papaya: Tropical and colourful, papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C. This tropical fruit contains more than 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C in just one serving. You may eat it as a standalone snack, add it to smoothies, or use it to give your fruit salads a sweet touch.  

5. Kiwi: Kiwi is a vitamin C powerhouse that frequently goes unnoticed, despite being little and mighty. The kiwi fruit provides a tart and refreshing flavour to your diet with its fuzzy skin and emerald-green flesh flecked with tiny black seeds. Enjoy it cut into slices, diced, or even a fiery salsa.  

6. Guava: A tropical fruit that is native to Central America and is high in vitamin C. It comes in a number of different types, each with an own flavour profile. Guavas come in both sweet and tart varieties, and they may be eaten whole or used to make jams and juices that are both energising and tasty.  

7. Kale: Kale has established itself as a superfood, and its high vitamin C concentration is another justification for incorporating it into your diet. You may eat this leafy green raw in salads, sautéed as a side dish, or blended into smoothies for an added nutritional boost.  

While there's no denying that oranges are a traditional source of vitamin C, there are a variety of other foods that can give you this vital ingredient. These unexpected sources of vitamin C, which range from the vibrant spectrum of bell peppers to the sweet tropical papaya, can add diversity and flavour to your diet while benefiting your general health. 

Including a variety of vitamin C-rich foods in your diet will help you stay in peak health, meet your nutritional needs, and maintain a powerful immune system, beautiful skin, and glowing complexion. Therefore, the next time you're shopping, think about looking outside the citrus section and discovering these delectable alternatives that nature has to offer. Your body will appreciate the additional benefits of vitamin C!