Virat Kohli was recently joined by wifey Anushka Sharma for some down time in Barbados, after the cricketer wrapped up the T20 ODI series against West Indies. Kohli posted a picture of the couple on his social media, where the dressed-down couple posed outside Café A La Mer in Barbados. The cute couple were seen happy and smiling, as they stood on either side of the café’s menu that featured some delicious Italian dishes like Spicy Seafood Spaghetti, Shrimp Penne and Nona’s Favourite of spaghetti and meatballs.

Owned by chef Igal Abergel, Café A La Mer is one of Barbados’ hidden culinary gems that opened up after the pandemic, when Igal moved to the country from Canada. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the small business gained a lot of eyeballs after Kohli’s recommendation in the caption, where he gave a shoutout to the restaurant. He captioned the image he posted with Sharma saying, “Must visit in Barbados @cafealamer18 some of the best food we ever ate.”

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Some of the offerings at the beach-side restaurant also include mushroom ravioli, falafel wraps, vegetarian lasagna and apple pie, apart from the range of Italian food. The unique concept of the restaurant follows a no-menu policy, where customers can request the chef to prepare what they’d like to eat and fresh food is cooked to order. A La Mer also prides itself in serving some of the freshest seafood in Barbados, always having catch-of-the-day specials waiting for customers to try.

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Being the foodies that Virushka are, the couple have always been curious about trying out smaller cafes and restaurants during their travels, that offer a sneak-peek into local cuisines and cultures. They have also shared moments from previous holidays in Dubai and London where they have been spotted enjoying breakfast and a cup of coffee, often. Talk about couple goals!