India is counting down the days to the 22nd with anticipation for the inauguration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The event is drawing international attention and people are gearing up to mark the event in many unique ways. But none quite so unique as Chhotan Ghosh, a man from West Bengal’s Durgapur district who created a 4x4 foot replica of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir out of 20 kgs of Parle G biscuits. 

The edible construction took 5 days of work and in addition to the biscuits, it was built using thermocol, plywood and glue guns for more structural integrity. The final structure is now on display and open for public viewing in Durgapur, Bengal. 

But this isn’t the first newsworthy replica Ghosh has crafted. Earlier, he garnered attention for fashioning and exhibiting a replica of Chandrayaan-3, as a tribute to the ingenious minds at ISRO. And it wasn’t just a simple replica; it included a rocket that propelled the replica to approximately 30 feet in the sky.

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There have been many extraordinary creations around the Ram Mandir inauguration from a 108-foot incense stick to a 2,100 kg bell, there are a lot of stupendous crafts happening. And the food space is no less impressive. There will be 300 tons of aromatic rice shipped in from Tamil Nadu and 1 lakh Tirupati Laddos for the prasad. Chef Vishnu Manohar has also taken on the challenge of cooking up 7000kgs of halwa for the occasion and a shop in Ayodhya received an order for 551 special paan. 

Everyone is gearing up to make this inauguration one of excess and wonder for a day that will be talked about for many years to come.