Darlings actor, Vijay Varma recently shared a few photographs of some behind-the-scenes action from the sets of his latest – Kaal Koot. The medley of pictures that the actor posted on his social media, caught him in action with some of his co-stars like Seema Biswas, as well as relaxing in-between takes. One of the images showed Varma seated on a boat with actors Gopal Dutt and Yashpal Sharma, sharing a meal of rotis, two types of sabzi, yoghurt, papad, sliced onions and lemon wedges; along with a bowl of gulab jamun waiting to be devoured.

Image Credits: Vijay Varma/Instagram

He was seen smiling happily at the lens, while his lunch company pulled straight faces. The meal was being enjoyed by the three actors with a view of the river where the boat sailed. Talk about the perfect ambience while dining! Hailing from Rajasthan, Varma is a true-blue loyalist for Rajasthani food, but has also admitted his love for Sindhi delicacies like Sindhi kadhi and tariyal patata – a cuisine he was exposed to because of his girlfriend, Tammannah Bhatia. This is also not the first time he was seen sharing a meal with his co-actors, as Kareena Kapoor Khan had posted a video of both of them enjoying chatpata French fries on the sets of Sujoy Ghosh’s upcoming project.

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He is also self-admittedly an Italian food lover, specifically never turning away from a plate of cheesy pasta. Varma is also a lover of Hyderabadi food, as a result of growing up in the city, and is partial to the famous Osmania biscuits. Being someone who follows the philosophy of eating everything in moderation, he has claimed to not follow a specific diet to maintain his lean physique. Tell us in the comments below about your go-to meal to share with your friends!