As part of a multi-city promotional tour, Vicky Kaushal was seen promoting his upcoming film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke in Ahmedabad. The actor, who interacted with fans during the promotions, was also seen paying a visit to Ahmedabad’s Chetna Ganthia Rath in Memnagar, to try some of the classic Gujrati delicacies like jalebi-fafda, khaman and aamras along with an array of chutneys as well as grated raw papaya. He was greeted by a hoard of fans waiting to get a glimpse of him, as he waved and smiled at the crowd.

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The actor posted a video on his Instagram with the caption ‘Ahmedabad, ❤️ se thank you for such a सरस experience! Your liveliness, food, and enthusiasm were top-notch. And thank you for showing Kapil and Somya so much love.’ He also heaped praises about how warm and welcoming the people were, while also pointing out that the food is as sweet as the people who were present to greet him. He matched the enthusiasm of his fans by shaking a leg with them as well as being a sport while trying out all the delicious food.

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His video was met with a lot of love in the comments as fans wished him luck for the release. The actor also shared a picture of himself sitting in front of a table laid out with all the Gujju delicacies and captioned it ‘When in Ahmedabad, zara fafda zara jalebi’. He also seemed very relaxed yet excited to try each dish and dressed down in a simple hoodie and jeans to get through the day. Tell us what your favourite Gujrati delicacies are and where to find them in your city, in the comments below.