Actor Vicky Kaushal is all over the news since the time the teaser of his new film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke with Sara Ali Khan has dropped. Recently, he also celebrated his birthday and a couple of his dance videos went viral, with netizens complimenting his charm. The actor surely has smooth sailing currently, but no one can escape the menacing traffic of Mumbai. And that is exactly what happened with Vicky. and while he was stuck in traffic, he used the time to answer a quick Instagram chat with his fans, where he revealed his favourite cuisine. 

You will be surprised to know that this Punjabi munda loves to eat South Indian cuisine more than anything else! when asked by a fan that what his favorite cuisine is, Vicki replied with an elaborate picture of a nice and heavy South Indian meal! while the actor is known to be fond of typical Punjabi dishes like butter chicken, this answer came as a pleasant surprise to all his fans. 

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Vicky chose momo over noodles | Unsplash


Vicky Kaushal is a true foodie because out of several questions that must have poured, he picked 4 to just talk about his food preferences. A fan asked him to choose between two comfort combinations – rajma chawal and kadhi chawal, to which Vicky chose the former. When asked for his favourite dish between momo and noodles, Vicky not only chose momo, but also asked fans to recommend good places to eat the most amazing momo. 

The actor likes to try out the food of the places where he travels for shooting. He is known to love exploring good places to eat and it became very clear when a fan asked what he loved the most about Indore while shooting his film in the city. The top answer that he gave was that he loved the iconic combination of poha-jalebi! After reading his interaction with fans, it is clear that the actor loves to eat and loves to talk about what he eats as well. This definitely makes Vicky super relatable to all of us foodies out there!