One of our favourite foodies from Bollywood, Vicky Kaushal has wrapped up a schedule of his upcoming movie Sam Bahadur, on a sweet note. Elated by the progress that he and his team have made so far, Vicky took to Instagram to share the news with a series of pictures and a video. The actor can be seen celebrating and posing with the director and other members of the crew. But what caught our attention was his foodie side that came out when a cake appeared. Yes, there was a cake and then there was Vicky who was visibly excited as he relished a sumptuous slice on the occasion.  

The huge cake was decorated with chocolate sauce on top, along with some edible cream on the side. The chocolate chips atop made it look very tempting. 

“After more than 2 months of relentless work across 5 cities, it's a schedule wrap for the Bahadurs. Few more cities and a few more months to go. See you soon Team, to continue our journey of making Sam Bahadur”, Vicky wrote in the caption.  Take a look at the post:

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For those who don’t know, Vicky is a hardcore foodie who never misses a chance to enjoy a hearty meal whenever possible. Just last weekend, we saw him indulging in a classic Punjabi dish - a wholesome meal of sarson ka saag with roti and some onions. “Ghar da saron da sag... swaad aa gaya!”, the actor captioned it, while thanking his friend Tajinder Singh for the treat. Read more about it here.

A few days ago, he was seen indulging in a platter of banana waffles, after wrapping up a night shoot. Well, we must say Vicky’s indulgences aren’t limited to any particular cuisine or type - the sign of a true foodie, isn’t that? 

After looking at Vicky’s latest post, have you started missing cakes? Here are some drool-worthy cake recipes for you to try at home.