Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal is a regular on Instagram, as he keeps sharing tidbits from his professional as well as personal life with his fans and followers on social media. Currently, the actor is promoting his upcoming film - Govinda Naam Mera - in which he will be seen alongside actors Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Lal Advani. That aside, what we also love about Vicky is his foodie adventures, the latest being a banter with his brother, Sunny Kaushal. And it’s something that every sibling can relate to. 

On Tuesday, the Sardar Udham star shared a picture of himself snacking on potato chips. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "Brb... stealing Sunny Kaushal's snacks!", with a peace sign emoji. Sunny was quick to respond to his big brother's post, as he commented, "Who needs enemies when you've got a family like this." Take a look at Vicky's post here: 

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Too cute, isn't it? Didn't it take you back to the days when your brother/sister did the same to you or vice versa? Potato chips are definitely one snack we wouldn’t mind stealing from our sibling’s pantry. But the one problem we have always faced with a store-bought pack of potato chips is its meagre quantity. However, did you know you could make them at home too? Potato chips are too easy to make at home, and don't require many ingredients or much time. Here’re three potato chips recipe you must try at home: 

Baked Potato Chips 

Healthy, delicious and easy, these potato chips are baked in oven for a healthier version of traditionally fried chips. All you need to do is slice the potatoes, toss with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and bake in the oven until crispy. You can season it with anything you like, from ranch, truffle to parmesan. 

Sweet Potato Chips 

Replace the regular potatoes with healthier sweet potatoes, toss it with a mix of truffle oil, mashed garlic, dill and salt, and bake to perfection. Sweet potatoes are known to be a healthier alternative to regular potatoes, partly because of their incredibly high vitamin A content. They are also lower on the glycemic index, meaning that they are less likely to make your blood sugar spike, as compared to regular potatoes.

Regular Potato Chips 

Just the same recipe with regular potatoes, slices, tossed and fried in oil. You can experiment with the seasoning and enjoy homemade potato chips the way you like. Sprinkle a bit of cheese on it if you like, or you can also add a mix of masala atop.