Actor Vicky Kaushal, who swept away the majority of ‘Best Actor’ awards this year with his moving performance in Sardar Udham, is back on screen in a never-seen-before avatar. He is part of the lead cast of Shashank Khaitan’s Govinda Naam Mera, opposite Kiara Advani and Bhumi Pednekar. The comedy-thriller is all set to release on an OTT platform soon, and Vicky is touring the country promoting the film. On Tuesday, after a round of hectic promotions, Vicky hit one of Mumbai’s famous street-food eateries for their special Pav Bhaji and gave it a shout out on social media.

Vicky, who has grown up in Mumbai, and has done his schooling and college from the city, swears by its street food. If you happen to follow the actor on social media, you are, perhaps, already aware that when it comes to food, he is a pure desi at heart. From jalebis to samosas, he likes them all. His recent binge was a plate of greasy, spicy Pav Bhaji at Amar Juice Centre. “Promotions, Screening, Award Show ke baad Pav Bhaji from Amar Juice Centre...ohohooo...KYA BAAT HAIII!!!”, he wrote in his caption.

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For the uninitiated, Pav Bhaji is a Maharashtrian dish comprising pav (bread), which is paired with bhaji (a spicy mish-mash of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and peas, etc). All the vegetables are mashed on a hot tawa and cooked with butter and special Pav Bhaji masala. This bhaji is then served hot, topped with butter, coriander leaves and sliced onions. 

The origin of the dish has an interesting connection with the American Civil War of the 1860s. Due to different time zones, the new cotton rates used to be telegrammed from America to Bombay Cotton exchange during the night. The workers in the cotton exchange would leave from work very late in the night, while collecting some leftover bread from Jesuit priests along the way. They would pair the bread with a mix of vegetables, whatever available, and this would be their dinner, almost everyday. Amar Juice Centre, located in Vile Parle, has been a favourite among Mumbai folks, including some bigwigs of the industry. Have you ever tried their Pav Bhaji? Let us know.