Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal are busy promoting their forthcoming love comedy Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. The duo recently went to Rajasthan for the same reason. In his latest social media post, Vicky shared pictures and videos of his encounter with a joint family during his visit to Rajasthan. The Bollywood actor took to his official Instagram account to showcase his experience with the family and made a surprising revelation about them and wrote, “Gossip session- Sahparivaar! A joint Family with 170 members… Jitna bada parivaar utna hi bhi bada dil. दिल से राम राम है आप सबको! ❤️🤗🙏🏽 “  

Both the stars can be seen relishing local cuisine cooked on traditional chullah in Rajasthan during the promotion of their upcoming flick. The video shows the stars being surrounded by a group of women who can be seen singing for them and offering them chapati with sabzi over it, a simple meal to satisfy your food cravings. This is the Rajasthani way of doing manuhar, meaning greeting you well and offering you food till you burp, probably. While the hot chapatis can be seen getting prepared over chullah, Sara can be heard praising the food and saying, "Bahot accha hai, bahot acchi banayi hai apne" and Vicky can also be seen licking his fingers.  

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Well, both Sara Ali khan and Vicky Kaushal have been making headlines not just for their acting prowess but also for their passion for food.  Both stars have been sharing glimpses of their foodie side on Instagram, much to the delight of their fans. In a recent Instagram Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal disclosed his preferred cuisine, which happens to be South Indian. Additionally, Sara Ali Khan was present at the Cannes Film Festival for the very first time. During her vacation on the French Riviera, she made it a point to indulge in scrumptious berries, exquisite coffee, and a great deal more.