Actor Varun Dhawan’s last film ‘Coolie No.1” may have been a dud, but the actor has much to look forward to this year. He would be seen opposite Kiara Advani in ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’, the film also features actor Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor. Actor Varun Dhawan is also shooting for his upcoming film ‘Bawaal’ with Janhvi Kapoor in Lucknow. The comedy film is being produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and is slated to release early next year. The actor rang in his 35th birthday with Team Bawaal. After finishing the shoot, the team went to dine at a popular restaurant in the city that had curated a special ‘birthday menu’ for Varun Dhawan. Even though Varun Dhawan is one of the most beloved fitness icons of the country, the actor is also a major food buff which is quite evident from his Instagram feed too.

For his birthday, the restaurant picked a range of delicious Awadhi delicacies and chose to call it the ‘Shaam E Awadh’. A part of menu card which was shared by the ‘Student Of The Year’ actor on his Instagram stories had about eight items listed on it, and all of those are enough to make you drool. “Specially curated menu for Varun Dhawan’s birthday celebrations”, read the description on top of the card.  

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The team must have had quite a feast with delicacies like Dahi vada, Tamatar Dhaniya Ka Shorba (clear tomato broth flavoured with cumin and coriander),  Paneer Achari tikka, Dahi ke kebab ( a yogurt and cottage cheese delicacy finished on a griddle),Niloferi kebab ( pan-fried delicacy with lotus stems  and lotus seeds), Jheenga lehsuni (Jumbo prawns marinated in hung curd, cream and spices), Galawat ke kabab (pan-fried minced lamb medallions), and Murgh zaffrani tikka (chicken marinated in saffron-flavoured yogurt, chargrilled).

The actor was also joined by Janhvi Kapoor who is his co-actor in ‘Bawaal’. Janhvi also shot a video where Varun can be seen cutting his birthday cake. All glee, Varun cut a deliciously creamy cheesecake that was topped with a green coloured Macaroon.  

Lucknow, the capital of erstwhile Awadh, still carries its old-world-charm in its rich and authentic delicacies. The city of Nawabs is especially famous for its kebabs, kormas, biryani and stews. There are many shops in Lucknow that are still preparing these delicacies as per the traditional recipes handed over to them through generations.  

One of the most ‘characteristically’ Lucknawi recipes is the ‘Galaouti  Kabab’. The word ‘galawti’ refers to something that instantly melts-in-the-mouth. It is said that the kebab was originally prepared for a Nawab who had lost his tooth. The combination of spices and tenderisers used in the kebabs make it one-of-kind.  

Here is one recipe of Galawti Kabab you can try making at home to relish the true Laknawi fare. Try this recipe at home and let us know how you liked it. Do not forget to share the pictures.