Bollywood actor Vaani Kapoor may be doing offbeat films and making bold career choices, but when it comes to food, her choices are just like ours. Simple things in life give her happiness and joy, and she is not the one to shy away from expressing the same, especially when it involves her love for food.

The self-confessed foodie took to her Instagram handle recently to share glimpses of the moments she loves. She wrote on the post, “A little bit of everything I love”. It started with an adorable video of the actor hugging her mother. Then, were a series of pictures with her friends and family members who are dear to her. However, amidst this we spot Vaani in action, gulping down a pani puri. After that is a picture of a table full of pani puri packets with the spicy water, boiled chickpea, and potato stuffing and tamarind chutney.

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She looks absolutely delighted and happy after gorging on a plate of pani puri and that’s what is the sign of a true foodie. Moreover, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen her sharing her nibbles. On her birthday this year (August 23), she cut a sponge cake with her friends and family.

Earlier this year, she was seen digging into a decadent chocolate cake in the middle of the night and captioned it as her midnight cravings. In fact, another food pose of hers became quite a rage online when she wore a fancy dress by an ace fashion designer and held tikka skewers in hand while getting clicked. The foodie is closely connected to her roots and loves all things desi.