In what seems like a first for the state of Uttar Pradesh, an air-conditioned floating restaurant has been inaugurated in Prayagraj by chief minister Yogi Adityanath. Managed by the UPSTDC, the new attraction is expected to seat 40 visitors at a time, who can select from an assortment of mocktails, sizzlers, street food and a selection of beverages. While plans are underway to construct a track on which boats can move in the water – also known as a slipway – visitors are all set to enjoy this one-of-a-kind dining experience set on the river.

The restaurant is an addition to a host of other activities that have been made available – some of which include speed boat rides and 30-seater catamaran hulls along the river. Speaking about the details of this eatery, DP Singh – senior manager at the UPSTDC – divulged to the media that the restaurant also has unique interiors and special light arrangements, as a way to encourage tourism in Sangam city. To make visitors feel secure, the UPSTDC has also acquired two rescue boats for emergencies, as well as 10 motor boats.

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The restaurant, along with the many boating experiences, is also said to be one of the main attractions for the Maha Kumbh set to take place in 2025. Built by a Mumbai-based company, the floating restaurant has been constructed with a pre-fabricator structure which covers a 204 square meter area. LED panels have also been installed for an uninterrupted scenic view that diners can soak in, during the course of their meal. Currently located on the banks of the Yamuna in front of the Triveni Darshan hotel, the chief minister was happy to be present at the opening of this latest attraction.