Many parts of India are celebrating Janmashtami today, while some will celebrate it on August 19. Janmashtami comprises two words, ‘janm’ (birth)’ and ‘ashtami’ (eighth day). Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, was born on this day to Devaki and Vasudev in Mathura. Krishna devotees can now be found across the world, and for all of them, Janmashtami holds great importance. 

The festival is celebrated in myriad ways across the subcontinent. In some temples in North India, little kids dress up like Radha-Krishna and the villagers to enact a few scenes from Krishna’s life. Cardboard, fruit carvings, and flowers are used to make small idols of little Krishna on a swing. At midnight, temples in Mathura and Vrindavan perform the grand Maha Abhishekam, which is nothing short of a spectacle. People come from all over the country to see idols of Lord Krishna bathed with milk and curd. Another very fascinating tradition that is popular in Gujarat and Maharashtra is that of Dahi Handi, people make a human pyramid to break a pot of curd hanging high up. This is said to be a symbolic recreation of little Krishna trying to break a matka in search of curd and butter.  

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Thus, curd, butter and milk are an intrinsic part of Janmashtami celebrations, several Janmashtami prasads are made with the combination of the same. And on this pious occasion, celebrity chef Ranveer Brar also shared his special shrikhand recipe. Shrikhand is an Indian dessert made with hung curd and sugar. It is said to have originated in Gujarat, but some say that the dessert could have been existing since the times of Mahabharata. The former name of shrikhand was Shikharini after Shree Krishna, some legends say.  

Isn’t that fascinating? Now without further ado, here is the shrikhand recipe you have been waiting for. Made with the goodness of caramel syrup, hung curd, crushed black pepper, cardamom, and sugar, this shrikhand is not only incredibly easy to make but also delightful to the core.  

Time required: 15 mins


  • 2 tbsps HERSHEY'S caramel-flavoured syrup
  • 1 cup hung curd
  • 1 tablespoon crushed black pepper
  • ½ tablespoon cardamoms
  • ¼ cup powdered sugar


  • 1 mixing bowl


  • In a bowl, add hung curd, powdered sugar, cardamom powder, black pepper, caramel-flavoured syrup.
  • Mix it all using a whisk in a proper thick mixture.
  • Refrigerate, if required.