Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and husband Anand Ahuja are on cloud nine these days, as they recently announced pregnancy with an adorable post on social media. The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, is all set to welcome their first baby in fall this year (August). The news obviously took social media by storm in no time and sent Sonam’s fans into a frenzy. The couple’s friends, family and followers started to shower all their love, blessings and best wishes upon the soon-to-be parents on social media. Actor and Sonam’s father Anil Kapoor had the sweetest reaction as he wrote, “Now preparing for the most exciting role of my life - GRANDFATHER!!” on a post that he shared on his Instagram page with Sonam and Anand’s announcement picture. Take a look:
Sonam re-shared every post and story on her social media handle with super cute thank you notes. And in the middle of all the stories, one revealed that the mommy-to-be is currently in Mumbai, with her parents Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor, perhaps to enjoy all the love and care. Sonam and Anand had been living in the UK for a long time. Now, that she’s back in the bay, Sonam is also being pampered well by her friends and fans in the most indulgent way possible. And one of her latest Instagram stories is proof of that.
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Sonam’s love for all things delicious, vegan and cruelty-free is no secret to us. We have seen her indulging in good food on many occasions, and it is no secret that Sonam is a complete foodie by heart. She loves to indulge in all things sweet and decadent. Hence, to satisfy all her cravings, she was recently sent over a bowlful of dairy-free phirni by friend and talent manager Shanti Sivaram. And well, the phirni definitely looks oh-so-delicious with nuts and rose petals garnished on the top. Take a look:
Looks heavenly, doesn't it? Well, phirni indeed is one Indian dessert many of us just can’t resist. A creamy concoction of milk, rice and sugar, one cannot just say no to a bowlful of it. Add to it some almonds, cashews or pistas and you have a treat. For a dairy-free phirni just like Sonam’s, you can simply replace the milk with almond milk (or any other vegan milk of your choice). Here is a super easy phirni recipe for you to try at home.