It has been over three decades since Karisma Kapoor entered the film industry, and since then the actress has never failed to capture the hearts of many. While in the early 90s when she was active in the Hindi film industry, she reigned our hearts with her brilliant performances in various diverse roles, now she rules her fans through social media where we get to see her navigate through daily life. Be it her time with family and friends, her fitness routine, her shoots or her food diaries, Karisma makes sure to share glimpses of it with her fans and followers. 

We have seen her doing diverse roles throughout the three decades of her work. While you may have seen her grow as an actress, Karisma doesn’t appear to be much older than she did when she initially entered the industry. The fitness enthusiast is often mindful of what she eats and tries to maintain a healthy balance in her meals. Despite this, what you may not know about Lolo, as she is fondly called by her friends and family, is that she is a complete foodie who enjoys indulging in a variety of guilt-ridden delicacies from time to time. In fact, if you follow her on Instagram, you will find her often enjoying yummy-looking feasts and decadent desserts. Don't believe us? Well, Karisma proved it herself in a recent question-answer session she hosted on Instagram with her fans and followers! 

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In the AMA session, Karisma asked her fans to drop in questions as she wrote "In a mood to answer questions”. And well, her fans did so in abundance. Many people poured in to ask different things, but in all these questions, one thing certainly caught our attention. One of the users had asked the actress about her favourite food, to this, the actress replied along with a picture that showed her digging-in a plateful of yummy biryani! In the story, she also wrote, "Biryani, Always." Take a look at it here: 

The biryani sure looks amazing, doesn’t it? I love how she knew exactly what food she loves out of everything, because had it been me, I would’ve definitely gotten confused. Is it biryani or is it chilli chicken, or sushi, or dim sums or classic chicken curry? And it seems like the Kapoor sisters - Karisma and Kareena - both share the love for biryani. Didn’t we tell you how Kareena was recently seen enjoying biryani in her vanity van along with her team? Read more about it here

Coming back to Karisma’s AMA session, another one of the users had asked her what she was doing in real life and she simply wrote, "IRL" and posted a photo as she was getting ready for a shoot. You can see her standing in front of a mirror wearing a beautiful white-silver colour lehenga in the photo. But what caught our attention was a delicious bowl of noodles in her hands, which she seems to be relishing. Look at it here: 

Isn’t it hilarious!? This just simply proves Karisma a true-blue foodie. On the work front, Karisma is shooting for a new film, titled Brown. She announced it with a post on her Instagram, wherein only Karisma’s eyes were visible. "To new beginnings", she captioned the post.