Actor turned producer Anushka Sharma is ringing in her 34th birthday today on May 1st, and wishes are pouring in from both worlds- Cricket and Bollywood alike. While on one hand colleagues from the entertainment industry including Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Arjun Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor among others took to social media to wish her on the occasion, many from the field of cricket including Mohammed Siraj, partners of cricketers including Suryakumar and Deepak Chahar too wished Anushka a happy birthday. 

Now when there’s birthday, there’s always some cake, and Anushka’s big day was no different. In fact, Anushka herself took to Instagram to share glimpses from her little birthday celebration that she, along with husband and cricketer Virat Kohli, had with members of IPL team Royal Challengers Bangalore. Anushka shared some goofy photos of her enjoying her beautiful birthday cake, which had Virat’s message ‘happy birthday my love’ written on it. The cake was a beautiful one, covered with pastel pink coloured cream cheese along with flowers made on top, and chocolate inside. Take a look:

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The cake sure looks delicious, isn’t it? “I ate the biggest slice of my birthday cake. As it should be” Anushka rightly said in her caption. Adding how “getting older business is going GREAT!” and cheekily advised everyone to try it. She also thanked everyone for the wishes and love. The three pictures that she shared showed her all smiling alongside a plate with a big slice of her chocolate-flavoured cake. In one of the pictures, we could see her enjoying her bite, and we can all relate with the feeling of biting into a decadent cake. Don’t we? Anushka also thanked everyone for the wishes and love. “I feel happier, more loving, more understanding, taking myself less seriously, listening more, finding joy in less, able to let-go better, more accepting of myself and others AND situations, feeling more beautiful, expressing feelings more easily, valuing my own opinion above others” Anushka added in her caption of the birthday post.  

Virat Kohli too shared pictures of himself and Anushka on the occasion from the little celebration along with another group picture that showed the couple posing with RCB coach Sanjay Bangar, player Harshal Patel among others. Virat revealed that the group had a great afternoon together, and also how thankful he was for Anushka to be born. He wrote, "Thank god you were born (red heart emoji). I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re truly beautiful inside out. Had a great afternoon with the sweetest folks around."


Coming back to Anushka, you may know that she is an actor par excellence who also is a fitness enthusiast but not many would know that Anushka is quite a foodie too. And her occasional indulgences are proof of that. While she turned vegan a few years ago, she never misses a chance to enjoy some sumptuous food every now and then. After all there are ample of vegan options across every cuisine. Just recently she shared on Instagram Stories how she was relishing the ultimate Bengali comfort meal of Panta Bhaat and Aloo Shedho, and sometime back she also enjoyed an authentic Maharashtrian platter. If that’s not a foodie right there, we don’t know who is!  

Here’s wishing Anushka Sharma a great year ahead with loads of food shenanigans on the way.