Cinnamon, commonly known as Dalchini, is a prominent spice in almost every Indian kitchen. This spice is not just known for adding a distinct flavour to food but also for its ample health benefits. This aromatic spice comes from the bark of a South Asian tree. The tree’s bark is peeled, dried, and ground into powder, and also rolled into strips. Used in both sweet and savoury forms, this spice has numerous health benefits and the most famous is its potential to treat diabetes. 

Let us dig a little into the history of our beloved spice. Considered to be one of the first traded spices in the ancient world, this spice was considered much valuable in ancient times. If some legends are to be believed, cinnamon was actually regarded as a gift for Monarchs and the Gods. It is believed that ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as part of their embalming rituals while the spice was also used by some physicians to help treat cold and throat ailments such as coughing and sore throats. Even now when I have a cough, my mother asks me to chew a cinnamon stick. This spice is magical, believe me!

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Legends believe that at the beginning of the 16th century, Portuguese traders arrived in Ceylon in Sri Lanka. At that time, Sri Lanka was the largest producer of cinnamon. The Portuguese took control of the area and started their own monopoly. In this chain, they established a fort on the island in 1518 and protected their control over this valuable spice for over a hundred years. Then, in the 17th century, the Dutch took control of the island of Ceylon and so the monopoly of the cinnamon trade.  However, they realized that cinnamon trees existed along the coast of India, and the monopoly started to disappear. This is because everyone had realized this spice could be grown in other locations as well. 

Since then, cinnamon has remained to be spice staple to some exotic dishes and desserts. Not only just in Indian cuisine, but cinnamon also holds prominence in many cuisines across the world, thanks to its bright and bold flavour. There are not just one, two, or three but multiple ways to use this spice. Be it Indian meat curries or desserts, breads, or cookies, this spice complements everything. Besides, it is enjoyed in hot cocoa, tea, coffee, and cider.

Since we have talked so much about cinnamon, we have a surprise for you. We have brought for you a recipe of cinnamon rolls that you can make and relish at home. Follow the steps below and enjoy!!

Cinnamon Rolls


  • 1 ½ cups maida
  • 2 cup sugar
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 3 ½ tbsp cinnamon powder
  • 2 cups salted butter
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ cup milk


  • Take a bowl and add maida to it.
  • Add 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon powder, baking powder, and ½ cup butter to it. 
  • Mix everything together.
  • Add milk to the mixture and form a smooth dough.
  • When done, keep it aside.
  • Take another bowl. Add 2 tbsp butter, ½ cup sugar (powdered), and the remaining cinnamon powder.
  • Combine everything together.
  • Now, roll the dough in a rectangle on a clean slab.
  • Spread the mixture evenly and cut 1 cum strips. Roll each of them.
  • Then, place these cinnamon rolls on a greased plate.
  • Bake these rolls for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Garnish with cream and serve!