Eggs are literally saviours for me. If I have them in stock, I don’t fret over what to make in the breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There is an array of egg recipes that you can make at any time of the day. One of those is omelette. For the unversed, omelette is a French word that came into use in the mid-16th century. Whenever my stomach is growling with hunger, omelette is what comes to my rescue. Honestly, I wasn’t always a fan of humble omelette. In fact, its smell was unbearable to me at some point in time. However now, things are entirely different. Omelette is not only easy to prepare but also tastes delicious especially with toast. A perfect omelette looks fluffy. It is creamy on the inside and appears golden from the outside. If you are an amateur and do not know how to make a great omelette, refer to the tricks and tips mentioned below. 

Picture Courtesy: Pixabay


Pick The Right Eggs

Make sure the eggs you have picked for cooking are at room temperature. Using eggs right after taking them out of a refrigerator can lead to overcooking as cold eggs take longer to set.

For The Fluffiness

You can achieve a fluffy texture by adding a small amount of milk or cream to the egg batter. 

Beating The Right Way

For getting a perfect omelette ready on your pan, you need to beat the eggs until there is no visible white portion in the batter. Your egg mix needs to be light and frothy.

Set The Temperature Right

Pick a non-stick pan for making omelette and keep it on medium heat. Also, keep in mind that omelette takes less time to cook on too big pans. However, if the pan is small, the omelette may remain runny from inside. Therefore, you are advised to use not more than 2 eggs for making omelette if your pan is small. 

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When to Pour The Batter

Firstly, add butter to the pan and let it melt nicely. Add egg batter when you see the butter bubbles have died down.

Cooking Time

Eggs are very delicate so you need to pay attention to them when cooking as they can turn brown at any time. An ideal omelette is one that has a light yellowish bottom and is not brown. 

How to Place

One of the most important parts of cooking omelette is placing it nicely onto a plate without breaking. To do that, you need to first shake the pan gently. Now, slide it to the edge of the pan and hold it above the plate. Tilt the skillet a bit so that the omelette can slide off onto the plate.

Adhere to these tips and tricks to cook omelette to perfection. Here is the recipe for the same in case you do not know how to make omelette.